Monday, January 21, 2013

Holiday - But Not for Me

We'll be really slow at the shop today. It's a holiday, which would normally bring more people into the shop, but the temperatures are sub-zero all day and people will stay in if they can. So we'll be bored. I need to phone our accountant about some tax questions and I'm hoping that he's open today. I've got a 50/50 shot at that since many businesses will be closed today.

We celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King today (even though the actual date has already passed). It also happens to be the day when the public celebration of our President's inauguration will occur. So the TV will be featuring the inauguration for most of the day and people will be celebrating or ignoring it and spend their holiday whichever way they feel best. I'll be working *sigh*.

I allowed myself a very lazy Sunday even though I am massively behind on my story due on Friday. I'm going to hope that I'll have a very effective Wednesday of writing because I'm rather uninspired today and would rather spend my time reading. I'll have my laptop with me of course, as well as my NookColor and my phone, and I can write on any of them and save it to the cloud, but I'm not motivated today and would rather continue reading instead. Some days are like that.

So as the state of Minnesota decides to enter the first of several days of incredibly cold temperatures, I'll wish I was bundled up in a warm blankie with a cup of tea and a fully-charged Nook in my hands. It may not have as romantic an overtone as a paper literary tome in my hands, but the almost 300 books that I've put onto my Nook since I got it a bit over two years ago would take up a ton of space that I just don't have. So yes, I am a complete fan of electronic books and readers. Save Trees...Think E's...

1 comment:

Jewelry Making Tutorials said...

And I am busy reading the Dragon book. I am on the third story. Haven't got to yours yet, but I'll be there tonight. Lovin' it!
I would have read yours first but my Kindle won't allow me to select the individual stories. I not complain mon....