Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rambling Through Words and Crafts

In June I had saved enough to get my eyes examined and get a new, up-to-date prescription for eyeglasses. I love my eyeglasses. I have two unique and distinctive pairs of frames that I had purchased as custom pairs for my 50th birthday celebration. I had inherited some money from my mother when she passed and used some of it for my 50th celebration items - two tattoos and two pairs of eyeglasses. Returning to topic, I got a new prescription and wanted to get my glasses re-lensed for the second time since I purchased them. I finally sent pair one off on the 26th of September and got pair one back in the mail yesterday. All neat, clean, and with new Transition lenses.

These aren't my eyeglasses, but they're really kewl. They
are made from bamboo, designed by Ming. Very nice!

Wow. I hadn't realized how blurry I had allowed my world to get. I'm getting ready to send my second pair off for the same treatment and I'm absolutely floored. There is clarity in my world again. I was so pleased that while watching Face Off last night I grabbed my sketchbook and drew for a while, playing with charcoal. What fun! The frames that I got back yesterday that I'll be wearing for the next few weeks until my usual pair is returned just begs for decoration. I'm thinking that I might finally add some color to the frames by gluing on some Swarovski crystals in a specific color progression. It'll be fun.

Since today is my day off, I was still up at a time that most of you don't want to face unless it is at the end of your night, and I'll be working on laundry, grocery shopping, errands in general and writing/editing. But I really want to check out the e-book offerings at the library too because I am still doing research for my NaNoWriMo novel. Oh! BTW, if you are willing to friend me over there I'm under my usual non-Tolkien writing name - ColoradoGal76. I love friends and cheerleaders because I know I'll need them to keep me motivated to produce the word count.

I got most of my LOTR Community story written yesterday. It took a shift in the middle of it and decided to switch time frames by several thousand years. *sigh* My whip didn't work to bring it back to heel, so I'm following it through the word park instead and have allowed the story to timeshift. I am discovering my problem areas in writing and I'm not really sure how to attack them. When I can actually express things clearly, I might be emailing some of you for advice. Right now things are still too muddled in my mind to explain it to anyone, myself or friend.

Enjoy your day today!

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