Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mission Accomplished

So my errands list got mostly completed. I wasn't able to trim the trees at the small house because it was raining and I didn't get my eyeglasses ordered (that was bad, but I still have to save up a bit more money before I order those). I did get five loads of laundry done, finished reading "The Catch Trap" and bought all of my State Fair tickets and coupon books in preparation for Sharon's visit on the 30th. Aearwen and I had a lovely, if shortened, conversation and I spent more than an hour deciding which exercises I wanted to concentrate on with the BowFlex as well as running through them once to make sure I understood how to hold my hands, what arm or body motions I needed to do, etc. Now I'm alternating my days between the treadmill and the BowFlex. It will take me longer to reach Rivendell, but I'll be in better physical condition - LOL.

I've decided to try the 30-day free trial of Scrivner for my NaNoWriMo project. I've exchanged several Emails with the developers and think it will do what I need, there are also many NaNo authors who have recommended it to me. Basically it's rather like a virtual white board and bulletin board mixed with a virtual index card and organization feature that will allow me to work on things out of order, research and notes, and illustrations, and throw them all together into the final.

Big Bang has started signups. I'm not willing to commit to a 20,000 word piece when I'm focused on NaNo, but I think I'll sign up for artwork. I had a great time doing the artwork for Binky's lovely story earlier this year, and the deadline would be early 2013 so I would have the time to pull it together after the author has his/her text completed or close to completed. But I won't be writing for this one. Nope, no way, no how. Have a fabulous day - think sunshine and lollipops. (While looking for a video for Sunshine and Lollipops, I came across this short that used to have it as the soundtrack but had to remove it because of copyright infringement. But it was cute, so...enjoy.)

And Hans, I love hard science fiction. It used to be all I read. Now I've bracnhed out a bit but it is still near and dear to my heart :-) *hugs* to you and Ann.

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