Monday, August 27, 2012

Heat, Cleaning and Plans

The heat we experienced in the beginning of the summer has returned, just in time for Sharon's visit and our marathon sessions at the State Fair and Renaissance Festival. She arrives on Thursday and we will have 90's and upper 80's for every day of her visit. It will be a steam bath and so VERY uncomfortable. It won't change the fact that we will enjoy the experience and seeing each other again, but it truly is miserable when we have weather like this.

Yesterday was a hot one at Ren. DH was relatively comfortable, but I was anything but. I was hot, sticky, and felt generally ooky (yes, that's a word - more or less). We left at our usual time and it was a relief to undo the corset and relax with my computer and my Nook. DH was exhausted so he went to sleep early, I got embroiled in a book that I was trying to finish and couldn't put the Nook down until I realized it was 10pm and I had to sleep. So the book is still unfinished, but at least I got my five hours of sleep.

I may need one more of these. At least they aren't super expensive. I hope they are still available this late in the season.

The house is still a mess. Well, it's not horrible, but I would like to do a serious dusting and wash some of the things that need it. So I'll be spending my next few nights working on that as well as most of Wednesday. It may not be exciting, but it has to be done. I'll also have to check and make sure that Sharon's room has a fan. I have one in the master bedroom and one in the living room where I sleep, but she'll need one too if we're going to have such high temps. *sigh* I know you read my blog, Sharon. Make sure you pack for hot temps!

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