Thursday, June 28, 2012

Heat Wave - Temper, Temper...

My goodness, what heat! The temperature is hot, people's tempers are equally hot, and I'm just one of many getting burned. It's unpleasant. As usual, I need to really understand that internet friends are just that - not real life friends, not friends with whom I have invested a lot of time and effort getting to know, not people that I always have a great deal in common with. It is unfortunate, however, when friendships crash and burn. I had one "friend" leave me in a huff yesterday and just had to shake my head. I was unfriended by her because I supported the privacy of another "friend". Ugh! It was ugly and so very unnecessary. But life goes on.

A broken friendship can become scattered pieces of your past.

I spent most of the day hunched over my keyboard trying to finish up my AinA piece. I feel good about it, but am looking forward to beginning the revision part. It really needs some serious trimming and a clear and serious look. I don't want it to be over the top, just reasonable and following sensible steps for a relationship. It's getting there, though, and I'm pleased.

I write at my keyboard. Are you a pen and paper person? If so, I envy you!

I started work on my fixed length fictlet also, but that one I'm not as happy with. Not that it isn't within the word length, but more because looking back at it with the harsh glare of (upcoming) sun, the topic I chose is really lame. Time to trash most of it and rewrite it. There might be one or two sentences and characters worth keeping for the re-do.


It's HOT! I had a wonderful breakfast with my friend Meaghan and her fantastic son Sebas yesterday morning, dropped her off at work, and then began working on my own things. But it's hard to think in this heat. I usually don't look forward to going to work, but I have A/C there, so today may not be as bad as it could be - LOL. Have a marvelous day!

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