Friday, October 14, 2011

The Forces are Against Us *sigh*

So, the major cross-street south of us is torn up because they are building a light rail system on it. That has made our street, the street that is in front of my store, single lane and backed up most of the time. That's south of us, but the north used to be OK, so often we would send people down to us from the north instead of up from the south.

Now, in the infinite wisdom of the "let's get it done quickly before the snows fly", the overpass north of us, still on our street (which carries the heaviest traffic in the entire city) ... anyway, the overpass is getting patch-ups on the bridges and it is also closed down to a single lane. *sigh* I just can't win.

So...not only are my customer numbers down dollars-wisem, because, after all, we are in a really SUCKY econony now-a-days, BUT, those customer who actually WANT to get to the shop have to deal with long lines of traffic and delays to get to us for another week! The Gods of commerce really have it in for me :-(

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