Monday, September 26, 2011

Winding Down, Ramping Up

So, next weekend will be the final weekend of this year's Renaissance Festival. We've had a great time and usually good weather and we hope that this coming weekend will be beautiful weather for shut-down. It's a long day for us because we open in the morning with the gates still closed, and we end up in the night closing the fest down and wishing the best to all of our friends until the next year. We'll buy next year's season tix on Sunday as well, I would have bought them yesterday, but totally forgot to bring a credit card along with me.

Yesterday was "Adventure on the High Seas" day (Pirate day) and the second annual Rib Fest (so VERY good). DH and I totally pigged out on ribs. They were also having free tastes of the new Guiness Black Lager (very nice, lighter in taste than standard Guiness, but darker in appearance) and Jeremiah Weed Lightning Lemonade and Roadhouse Tea (both really, really good). We celebrated our wedding anniversary a week late and had a totally enjoyable time. Next week will be Irish weekend with Irish vendors and Guiness beer tastings. Call me happy.

I'm continuing to write, of course, but I'm behind on posting them to my various archives. I'll try and catch up this week. I have only 100 or so pages left in Feast of Crows, then I can continue on to Dance with Dragons and finally be caught up with George RR Martin's Game of Thrones saga. Thank goodness for my NookColor. It makes catching a page here and there much easier and makes lugging all of these books around lighter. Time to focus on work...have a terrific Monday.

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