Friday, September 23, 2011

One Step at a Time

Today is a busy one, and I needed some good sleep. So I took two heavy-duty pain pills last night to make it through the night. Why pain pills for bronchitis? Because my coughs have managed to tear the muscles of my chest and it HURTS! Big time hurts. So I needed to try and sleep without coughing. I feel better today, of course the narcotics are still in my system. I do have to be a bit careful because I need to drive quite a bit early this morning and the pills are still in my system. But I always was a fan of downers and my body likes them, so I think I'll be OK.

I pick up DH's new computer this morening around 7am. I'll be bringing both CPU's back so that we can be sure that everything is working properly before destroying and recycling the old CPU. I HAVE to find out where to take my recycleable electronics. ARGH.

After I get the new CPU home, I have to get everything set up and some of the secondary programs installed. This will be my first experience with Windows 7, so I hope I don't find it too confusing. My Guru likes it though, and went through some of the basics with me on Wednesday.

Finally, when programs are installed, I get to go to work. Sheesh!!!

And, of course, I'm still writing. I'm behind on my posting, though, so I'll try to catch up over the next week. I got a drabble posted yesterday that is getting good reviews, I'm working on the next monthly challenge which is forcing me to write "outside the box" and I just sent my latest ALEC contest piece out last night. Life is progressing. GOOD EQUINOX FOR ALL ON THIS AUSPICIOUS DAY. CELEBRATE UNWISELY! Welcome Autumn!


Pam said...

Oh, I think you will like Windows 7! I have had it for about 8 months or so, and love it. Much faster than Vista. The "start" menu is a bit different, but it doesn't take long to get used to it.

Sandra Graves / Isis Rising said...

I like it, but it won't accept some of my older programs, like my Photoshop. That's a potential problem since I'm sure my own computer will need replacing next year.

- Sandra