Monday, August 22, 2011

Wonderful Sunday...

So yesterday was our first day at this year's Ren Fest.  It seems that most of our friends have signed contracts and even though the Mayor's Enterouge (sp?) was disbanded, almost everyone still has a role to play.  There has been some minor clean-up, but nothing major, and there is a new leather vendor who is doing some really cool claws that I just love.  I did find a corset that I really like and may try on when Sharon is here, but it is expensive and I'm not so sure about the dollars.  It is also back lacing, so DH would have to lace my stays, at least the first time.  But it is fully boned and there are some serious possibilities. 

Curious about what I look like?  This is the
outfit that I wore yesterday for Ren Faire. 
The clouds parted after pouring some quick rain
on us and it was a beautiful, sunny day for the

We didn't see any of the acts this time, just wandered back and forth.  I had $20 to spend - not a lot for this venue.  DH bought my breakfast soup for me, so my $20 was spent on my double-mead ($12 + $2 tip just because I'm a nice person) and $5.75 for my orange chicken bowl, leaving me with 25 cents.  I really wanted a bottle of water, but didn't cave to begging for money from DH. 

I was exhausted from sun and fresh air on the way home though.  I drowsed at the wheel and drifted slightly, making DH both scared and angry.  But it was almost all the way home and we did fine.  I start thinking about things, though, and reality turns off.  Probably not the best thing for behind the wheel when I'm tired.  So I went to bed at 8:30 last night and slept until 3:15 this morning.  I really needed it. 

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