Friday, June 3, 2011

Packing and Nominations

So...I suppose that I actually should throw my clothing into my suitcase and make sure I have everything I need for my artwork.  I suppose.  But I'm lazy and uncommitted.  Well...lazy.  I'm actually looking forward to this trip, just not the expense.  This summer is frightening me - I'm so close to the edge.  But so far I'm scrabbling through.  This little trip, however, will cost me $25/day just for parking!  Oy!  That's an extra $175 just for my car.  It makes me sick.  I'll be on the computer tomorrow, but after that I'll be laptopping it for a week.  My laptop has less versatility, so even though I will be posting, I won't be able to do quite as much for my daily computer work as I usually do. 

This lovely banner was made by my friend Esteliel. 
Maybe it is the mountains around Gondolin? 

I have had two stories nominated for the Middle Earth Fanfiction Awards so far.  I'm flabbergasted and honored.  I have no delusions that I will actually win in my categories, but it's such an honor in the first place.  And the thing that makes me really happy is that the person who nominated me only knows me through my stories.  She doesn't share any of my chat boards with me that I'm aware of.  So they really were nominations out of the blue.  Such fun! 

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