Monday, May 23, 2011

Success with Glass, Squirrels and Tornados

So, the more aggressive firing for my glass worked.  I finally have the look I wanted for the pieces and I can start the beading this week.  This will allow me to work on my BFAC project while I'm at Bead & Button, so I'm happy.  I don't have a roomate this year - I decided to allow myself the luxury of not sharing since this will probably be the final time I attend this show.  I'll miss it in a lot of ways, but I have other things that I would rather spend the time and the money on, and I need to focus on that.  I would like to visit some of my on-line friends next year so I'll save my money for some shorter trips to different places instead. 

I was starving by 3pm yesterday and DH and I went to the local sports bar - Grumpy's - for dinner.  They had $4 build your own Bloody Mary's and $2 beers.  We were happy.  The food was really good too.  When we got home, DH went outside to look at the damage that our patio has been experiencing.  We have a drainage problem and we're losing a lot of soil and coming close to flooding the den with heavy rains.  Some serious work needs to be done.  On the way back into the house, I heard some serious noise coming from the fireplace (DH, with his lousy hearing heard nothing, of course).  The D____ed squirrels have built a nest in there and they now have babies and they are making a lot of noise and I'm very uncomfortable with having the darned four-legged critters living that close to me.  But I don't think I have an option right now because I won't evict young ones. 

And yesterday was an afternoon/evening for tornado warnings.  We didn't get hit as hard as Joplin, Missouri, which was hit very, very hard.  But we did get some touchdowns in northern Minneapolis and had a lot of property damage and one death.  The season is starting a bit early and with some serious clout.  Not good! 

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