Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Starting to Get Excited

My clock is ticking away and my time is running out.  I had a wonderfully laid-back two days off, which was great, but I leave for Bead & Button Show on Saturday and I haven't gathered my materials, supplies, or packed anything yet.  I remember the first show I went to so many years ago, I think I had the suitcase open at least a week before.  Since that time I've become a bit less anal about packing and trips.  I do, however, have to make sure that I have my supplies with me - the metal shears, needle tools, threads and miscellaneous tools that I need will not be generally available, and I don't have the cash to buy replacements.  I own them already and I'm not going to waste time and money trying to come up with them at the last minute.  So, I'll be running around like a nut tomorrow to make sure that everything will be ready for me to leave on time.  I am looking forward to being away for a few days, I really think I need this.  And I'm SUPER looking forward to meeting Zhie, a writing friend of mine who lives there.  Too fun! 

This lovely little nest was built last week.  The parents are busy trying to
take care of the eggs.  I hope they don't get too bothered by the lawn
mower because we'll be cutting the lawn again on Thursday.  The light is
in front of my front door.  The pic isn't great because I didn't want to
get too close.   

The weekend was quiet.  We got the lawn mowed, but other chores that we wanted to do didn't happen because the weather didn't cooperate.  So we spent most of two days playing Lord of the Rings Online and had a great time.  Then we grilled burgers for Sunday night and I made Anduille sausages for Monday night dinner.  Too good!  Of course, I gained three pounds eating all of that, but I'll have that back off within a day or so of normal eating.  I don't regret a single bite!  Now...back to the grind...

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