Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Are You Recovered?

So, are you recovered from your Fat Tuesday excesses this morning?  It's pretty easy for me to recover - I really didn't do anything "wild" last night at all except post more stories to Silmarillion Writers Guild and LOTRFanFiction.  (I post under the name Erulisse if you are interested in reading my ficlets.)  I'm caught up and working on a quick story focusing on a character needing to decide between loyalty or betrayal.  I think I've figured out what character I want to feature, now to write the story. 

Isn't this a great little pic?  It's called The Crafting Tree
and features a variety of crafts to publicize a crafts fair. 
I just loved it and thought I would share. 

Today is my studio day, so after I have the story written, I'll try and spend some more time working on the digital art tutorials that I have.  I did download some very basic tutorials that I hope will help me understand the methodology a bit clearer.  And I also brought items home for three different beadwork projects that I want to make.  I may get started on one or two of these.  Of course I'll do my usual several loads of laundry, change the linens on the bed, and maybe start a new drawing.  In other words, I won't be bored.  But first, I have a bit of work to do at the shop and then will treat myself to breakfast.  It is also snowing - only an inch or two but still snowing - and I'll need to shovel (again).  BORING! 

Words for the wise - LOL. 

So I hope you had a wonderful Fat Tuesday, but now it's time to repent.  I've never been too good at that repentence thing, I just try to not do things that I would feel too ashamed about in the first place.  I won't know if I succeeded in that for many years yet, and that's ok, I can wait for judgment :-)  Have a wonderful and creative day. 

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