Friday, February 25, 2011

What a Quandry...

So, my Father-by-Marriage managed to get through his surgery quite easily and my DH spent time with him until late yesterday night.  Since the two of them often butt heads, I'm quite sure that being there would have been interesting for a fly on the wall.  My nephew, David, also helped out, allowing my DH to get out of the house for a few hours in the afternoon.  Today they have a followup appointment at the Doctor's early this morning and then I have an appointment with my Accountant tonight to do the corporate income taxes.  (I'll have to remember to phone and find out when my appointment for my personal income taxes is - I completely forgot to put it onto my calendar and I have a ton of documents that I need to organize before then.) 

I really hate tax deadline days.  I'll get my
corporate taxes prepared tonight, but it's the
personal taxes that are really my tough ones to do. 

My Father-by-Marriage's eye health is not the only problem that he has, and his other problem has me very, very concerned.  About two years ago, when he was 91, we were contacted by the police about him and his "overly-friendly" behavior towards the younger female clerks at one of the local grocery stores.  His actions at that store got him banned from the store.  And he has now been banned from a second grocery store for similar activities.  He is a very friendly guy, and rather persistent.  But he carries friendliness past where it should go and crosses a privacy line.  He is not touching people inappropriately - I would have a serious FIT if that was the case.  But his actions are close to being called stalking and are making people uncomfortable enough to complain to their superiors.  This has resulted in two of his local stores now being closed to him. 

The Ides of March weren't only a problem for Ceasar, they
are also the day that corporate income taxes have to be
filed, followed by the personal income tax deadline of
April 15th, just one month later.  I don't like the Ides of
April any better than the Ides of March. 

My husband has to tell him about this latest ban today after the doctor appointment.  I don't envy him that discussion because it will be a difficult one.  But we are running out of options and it is almost to the point of taking his car keys away from my FBM and not allowing him out of the house.  My FBM is an old and lonely guy and I understand that.  But there are other ways to meet new people that would be socially acceptable and age appropriate.  I won't allow myself near him right now because I would do or say something that I would regret.  But I am SO angry about his actions and complete lack of thought.  It is possible that it is the beginning of dementia, but if it is then some decisions need to be made by my husband and his sister about what to do with their father.  And I am going to try to stay as far away from all of this as possible.     

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