Friday, February 11, 2011

10 Ways to Win My Heart

Anyone volunteering?  As we wind down to the last two days of this meme, today's is rather appropriate with Valentine's Day right around the corner.  So here we have it...10 Ways to Win My Heart. 

1 - Be kind to animals.  How someone treats animals of all types, domestic and wild, reflects a great deal about their personality. 

2 - Allow me to continue my personal growth.  That means support me when I take workshops or go to school to improve a skill.  Also support me when I begin to research new items to explore, and also when I want to play by spending a day at the local museum or with a sketchbook at the park. 

Reading a book - a perfect activity for me

3 - Understand that my head and heart will always be in a book and don't complain about it - just live with it.  Books have been my friend from day one and will be until the day I die.  That's a long friendship - longer than any interpersonal relationship with anyone else. 

4 - Don't be focused on a spotlessly clean house.  Help by putting your own things away.  And put them back where you took them from, not just placed where you happened to last grab them. 

5 - Use common sense.  I'm not your bloodhound - to search out that which you have lost.  Nor am I your conscience - that responsibility is your own. 

6 - Be monetarily sensible.  I can save money, and I do, but I'm not really good at long-term planning for money 10 - 20 - 30 years down the road.  I need someone who has long-term fiscal responsibility. 

7 - Be passionate.  Love music, art, color and movement and don't be ashamed to express that love.  Have an artistic soul.  Sex....oh yeah! 

Four Couples Dancing from the Nuremburg Chronicles

8 - Dance with me.  One of my fondest memories is my Mom and Dad ballroom dancing into their 80's.  They took lessons because Mom wanted to, and they danced really nicely together.  Every week they went out for dinner and dancing.  It was great exercise together, and was a lot of fun.  I love to dance. 

9 - Go to cultural events with me - the theatre, the symphony, gallery openings and the opera.  Go to the movies with me.  Just do something other than sitting at home with the television your only cultural outlet. 

10 - Want to travel, not just around our own nation, but also internationally.  Experiencing new places and people is one way to stay young, and there is so much to see world-wide.  (Atlhough I think Egypt is off my travel plans for a while - sigh.) 

How does my own beloved DH rate on the above items?  Not too badly, actually.  Maybe that's why I stay with him still, after so many years. 

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