Thursday, February 3, 2011

10 Things - Day 1

My friend Spiced found these on  the post of a friend of hers and decided to jump in.  These were of interest to me, so I also decided to jump in, but not over 10 days - too organized for me today.  I'll post when I feel like it, but not in a row.  Too much else can happen that I may want to discuss.  I'll eventually get through all 10 days though.  The only thing I will guarantee is that it won't take 10 days. 

DAY 1 - 10 things about you
1 - Although I am a very organized person, my personal space is a disaster with piles of stuff I need all around me .  Housekeeping and cleaning are too far down on my personal "to do" meter.
2 - I am an unrepentent Hippie from the 60's and experienced as much of that cultural lifestyle as I possibly could while I was growing up.  If I had been just a couple of years older I probably would have run away from home which would have been a really stupid move on my part.  For once youth was a plus. 

3 - I am an adopted only child, born in Europe and adopted by European refugees who were living in the US.  It has given me a unique perspective and an interesting history. 
4 - I love "watching" TV.  By that, I mean having the TV on behind me, and occasionally turning around to see what the excitement is.  But there are very few shows that I will actually pay attention to and watch. 
5 - I spend too much time on my computer - it's like another full-time job with about 40 hours a week just at the keyboard.  Silly me. 
6 - I adore the clouds in all of their varied forms which is probably why I love tornados.  But their variety astounds me and I wish I had more time to lean back and just watch them as I did when I was a child. 
7 - I was a fearless child - climbing trees, walking across beams in homes being built, exploring abandoned houses, building forts, and running around in my neighborhood.  My block was kid-heavy and on any normal day there were more than eight of us playing at a time.  Add vacant lots and homes being built to the mix and you've got the perfect playground. 
8 - There were many things that I worked very hard at that I let go as I grew up.  I have an MA which I really don't use, and I was a very talented cellist and don't play any more.  I miss making music though, and have a great yearning to teach myself how to play the harp. 
9 - I hate growing old - at least bodily, mentally isn't so bad yet since experience is only learned through...well...experience.  But the body is a traitor and I am not fond of inviting traitors into my life. 
10 - I always have had my nose in a book since I was a small child.  I plan to continue reading until the day that I die because through those other worlds and viewpoints I can live and experience the greater world(s). 

And happy Year of the Rabbit.  Celebrate well, enjoy your families, wear red.  Even set off a firework or two (or three - I love fireworks).  I hope that this year will be fulfilling for you and happy for you and your loved ones. 

1 comment:

abeadlady said...

It's amazing to me how much we have in common besides beading. I, too, was adopted, at age two. I can be organized when I put my mind to it, but you couldn't tell by looking at my apt. LOL. Took 10 years of classical piano, but haven't played in years. Spend waaay too much time on the computer and love to read. I also grew up in the hippie era, but was too chicken to live the lifestyle. Strange how alike we are, huh?