Thursday, January 27, 2011

Movies and Taxes

So Chickie and I finally got to the Cinema last night, after trying to get our schedules to mesh for more than two weeks.  We had dinner with Chickie Mama and our friend Ann, and then Chickie Mama, Chickie and I went to see "True Grit".  I had read the book in the past, as well as had seen the original movie which starred John Wayne and Glenn Campbell.  I actually think that this new version was better because the main heroine was more believable and a much better actor, but all of the actors were excellent.  It had all of us laughing with the funny parts, and there were plenty of funny parts.  If it comes to your area and you wonder about seeing it or not, go see it. 

True Grit was well acted by all and well worth watching.

If your head has been in the sand, maybe you don't know that I received a Nook Color for Christmas.  I had been trying to get to Barnes & Noble to take a class in my Nook for a while, and yesterday, although a massively busy day, my schedule opened up, allowing me to go to my local store for Nook class.  The class consisted of about a dozen of us, split about equally between owners of the standard Black & White Nook and the Nook Color.  Since the operation of the B&W is quite different, starting in February they will split their classes so that they can concentrate on a single version.  But it was interesting to see what the differences were.  There were people with all types of different experience, but I think that the lady sitting opposite from me and me were the most experienced in the group.  And I did learn some new things, as well as relearn some things that I had forgotten.  Our one-hour class turned into almost two hours long, and it was worth attending.  For my friends from outside the US, I did ask about whether B&N will sell the Nook outside of the US.  I was told that because B&N is a US company without a presence in the greater world, that they could not do that because of international copyright restrictions.  In fact, if I travel outside the US and want to purchase and download a book in Paris, for example, I can't because of international copyright laws.  But, I can have someone in the US buy it for my account and after it is purchased and in my account, I can download it to my device from anywhere in the world.  I found that to be interesting. 

If you ever have a choice, choose the Nook Color.  It is MUCH
easier and more intuitive to use. 

And opening up my envelopes from my CPA, I discovered that she had scheduled our appointment for our personal income tax preparation for Tuesday the 1st of February.  NOT!!!  I phoned her office and told them that would not work and to have her check her schedule for a couple of weeks later than that.  I'll find out what will work for her when I see her for breakfast this morning.  That was just a bit too fast for me to get all of my financial information in order. 

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