Thursday, October 21, 2010


My long list to be accomplished on my Studio Day actually did get knocked down a bit.  I managed to get everything except the sewing projects done.  Of primary importance was that I get my boxes stripped.  That's because I have to do this outside and I need to get this done while the weather still allows for outside work - i.e., before the snow starts falling.  I still have many boxes left to strip and refinish, but I now at least have seven boxes stripped and ready for refinishing and then decorating with enameling.  One of these boxes will become a gift for Sebas at some point.  I know how it will look at the end, and I have all of the materials for it, I just need to find some construction time for it.  That will happen.  Now I am researching high-gloss enamels.  I want a laquer-look for the finish on some of these, so I'm looking into various options to give me that look.  It does seem that every project I choose requires me to learn more things.  So far, for this project, I had to learn how to strip paint from wood, and now different refinishing techniques and materials.  I learned interior construction techniques earlier this year for my box "When Anor Rises", and I will carry those skills through to Sebas' box. 

A recent picture of Sebas on an
outing at the lake near his
new home in Michigan.  I miss my boyfriend!

This is the six-month anniversary of the blow-out on the BP oil rig; one of the worst environmental disasters of recent times.  It is one more example of how badly mankind acts as a steward for this land.  I fully admit that I'm an old hippie with the viewpoint that one should walk lightly on this earth.  I remember walking to support the very first Earth Day and I try my best to be kind to the earth within the parameters of my crazy life.  I know that I could do better, but I certainly could do far worse.  I am most certainly no paradigm of environmental virtue but at least I think about it as I live my life.  Do you?  Try to bring the environment into your creative life today. 

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