Tomorrow I get my second breast biopsy - this one will be more in-depth than the prior one and will include hot spots that were discovered in the MRI, like the armpit. I don't know about you, but I'm really not thrilled about needles under my arm *sigh*. My friend "Chickie Mama" will be meeting me at the Breast Center again for emotional support. I was fully able to drive home after the last procedure, and even though this one will be a bit more intensive, I think I'll be able to drive myself home just fine. But it never hurts to have a friend nearby.
I realized, yesterday, that I hadn't seen a bill for Xfinity for a while, so I double-checked and indeed - I was a month in arrears. I have no idea why - I'm usually spot on with paying bills. I sent them a quick large lump sum and voila! The current bill was in last night's mail. Looking at it, I was glad I had paid what I did because I definitely had missed a month. *sigh* So much for good credit. GRRRR I'll get this one paid next week, after I can think clearly once again (i.e., after this surgery stuff is behind me).
DH isn't sleeping well - he's complaining about aches and pains. It really doesn't surprise me. He's still sleeping on our original mattress, and that sucker's OLD. He's been yammering about getting a new mattress for at least two years, but simply can't make up his mind. Well, it's his own issue. If he actually gets off his ass, chooses a brand, buys it and has it brought up and the old mattress removed, he'll probably sleep a lot better and have far less aches and pains. Just sayin' - LOL.
Today is a work day for me, though. So I'm going to get this show on the road, have my breakfast, and head to the shop. I'm sure there's a TON of stuff there waiting for me, so I won't be bored. Tomorrow's biopsy is scheduled for 10:15 am, so I won't be very chatty tomorrow, just a quick post and head out the door to the clinic. I hope you have a wonderful Thursday, I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini.
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