Thursday, January 30, 2025

I'm Not Sure I Enjoy Living in "Interesting" Times

Tomorrow I get my second breast biopsy - this one will be more in-depth than the prior one and will include hot spots that were discovered in the MRI, like the armpit. I don't know about you, but I'm really not thrilled about needles under my arm *sigh*. My friend "Chickie Mama" will be meeting me at the Breast Center again for emotional support. I was fully able to drive home after the last procedure, and even though this one will be a bit more intensive, I think I'll be able to drive myself home just fine. But it never hurts to have a friend nearby. 

I got a lovely card from my swimming friends at 
the YMCA in yesterday's mail. It was really a 
spirit lifter, so many people who cared enough to 
sign it. I know Sabrina was the initiator - she's my 
current Gate Gargoyle and she's just a sweetheart. 

I realized, yesterday, that I hadn't seen a bill for Xfinity for a while, so I double-checked and indeed - I was a month in arrears. I have no idea why - I'm usually spot on with paying bills. I sent them a quick large lump sum and voila! The current bill was in last night's mail. Looking at it, I was glad I had paid what I did because I definitely had missed a month. *sigh* So much for good credit. GRRRR I'll get this one paid next week, after I can think clearly once again (i.e., after this surgery stuff is behind me). 

My schedule is starting to look as crazy as this one. 
Well ... maybe not QUITE that bad, but it's ridiculous, 
for me. I usually just wake up, meditate, go swimming or 
hit the treadmill, shower, get dressed, have breakfast 
and go to work. Blah - boring, mundane. I think I'm 
really looking  forward to a mundane life once again. LOL

DH isn't sleeping well - he's complaining about aches and pains. It really doesn't surprise me. He's still sleeping on our original mattress, and that sucker's OLD. He's been yammering about getting a new mattress for at least two years, but simply can't make up his mind. Well, it's his own issue. If he actually gets off his ass, chooses a brand, buys it and has it brought up and the old mattress removed, he'll probably sleep a lot better and have far less aches and pains. Just sayin' - LOL. 

I think his aches and pains are due to the fact that his 
mattress is ANCIENT! He's too cheap to buy a new 
one, and so he's suffering the consequences of his own 
miserly behavior. One of these days he'll wise up, 
make a decision, and get a new mattress. Voila! Aches 
and pains will certainly be lessened, if not eliminated. 

Today is a work day for me, though. So I'm going to get this show on the road, have my breakfast, and head to the shop. I'm sure there's a TON of stuff there waiting for me, so I won't be bored. Tomorrow's biopsy is scheduled for 10:15 am, so I won't be very chatty tomorrow, just a quick post and head out the door to the clinic. I hope you have a wonderful Thursday, I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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