Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Schedules, Scenery and a BoLieve Shirt

One more late and short post. I'm going to have to switch back to awakening at 3:00 am instead of 4:00 am. My treadmill time of 45-50 minutes is really cutting into my blog and catching up with all of you, my readers and friends. I apologize for posts you've made that I haven't read yet, and I'm going to try my best to do some catch-up at the shop this morning ... at least until DH arrives when any scheduling I have hits the fan *sigh*. 

Today I was running/fast walking in the area around 
Sedona, Arizona and Sunset Crater. Some really 
beautiful land out there, it's really helping me with my 
homesickness. There are sometimes when I miss 
my Southwest, even though I love being in Minnesota. 

Today is just a work day - nothing health related at all. That's becoming rather rare, and I'm appreciating those days. I'll be doing health stuff on the 29th, 31st, 4th and 5th. Maybe after all of that I'll start to get my "normal" life back. That's my goal, let's see if I can achieve it. Meanwhile, I'll get poked and prodded, cut and diced, and finally stitched back together again over the next two weeks. I'll start my six-week recovery countdown as soon as reasonable and get back into the swimming pool as quickly as I possibly can. Just doing the treadmill, although I love my treadmill, simply isn't doing it for me. I need the combination of the pool and the tread to have a balanced workout every week. 

It's always a "treat" to have to make an impromptu 
appointment with someone in my health care group. 
But, I'll make it happen. I need my pre-op physical, so 
I'm scheduled with a "baby Doc" on Wednesday instead 
of my usual Doctor.  

Today will be practically Spring-like with a high temperature of 44 F. It's January ... it's Minnesota ... and it's above freezing! So unusual and so odd and so very welcome. It'll confuse the birds because it's too early for the Spring Thaw, and we'll lose some of the snowpack around the state too. It's been a weird winter so far - either we're in the deep freeze, or the "tropics" - LOL. I'm all in favor of the tropics, but I also know that we actually do need our snowpack to soak into our soil and feed the plants and crops after they've been sown. 

I'm not seeing the exact version of the BoLieve shirt 
that Sharon sent to me, but what's important is that I 
have it! Yippee! I'll be wearing it, for sure!!

So I'm going to wrap this up. Sharon, I got my shirt yesterday! I LOVE it. For those of you who aren't Denver Broncos fans, a "BoLieve" shirt may not mean a great deal. But I'm a Broncos fan down deep, and the shirt is FABULOUS! Thanks to my "Bestie", I now have a BoLieve shirt to wear for the next football game (and maybe more than one more game). The Broncos have won the SuperBowl in the past, maybe this year will be another win. (Crossing my fingers.) So ... have an excellent Tuesday. Tomorrow is a lot of doctor appointments, so my post might be short, but I'll be here. Slava Ukraini. 

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