Saturday, October 19, 2024

We're Down to 14 In LJ Idol and Voting (for Me and for the Nation)

It's Saturday, I had a great run, but that means I'm tight on time, and once again, I'm asking/begging you for your votes on my latest entry in LJ Idol. We're getting down in numbers, and two more of us will be eliminated after this vote. So ... the link to my story is: and the link for voting is: . There are only 14 of us left (I've NEVER gotten this far in any of my prior attempts) and I'm thrilled to be with all of these writers of great talent. I'd appreciate your vote if you think my story merits it. 

I don't think I've ever survived in LJ Idol 
quite this far before, and who knows ... I 
might be kicked off the island now. But, 
I'll live to write another story/theme if 
you cast your vote for my text of this week. 
The links are above and I thank you for 
reading and voting. 

Yesterday was packed full! I started the day with a good run, and grocery shopping. Then, looking at the time, I realized I was exactly on time to go to my old favorite library the Roseville Public Library, join the line, and vote in the Presidential election. So, I headed over there. I estimate I was within the first 50 people. It was a cold wind, and we were all shivering. The polls opened a little late (it was the first day for early voting, so they were still getting their act together). But, after almost an hour, I had voted and was on my way back home again. YIPPEE One vote for Kamala (and other candidates on a more localized level). 

I had the chance, I had the time, and I had the 
opportunity. So I voted on the first day that 
early voting was opened, and was one of the 
first 100 people to vote at my favorite library. 
Dusted and done! 

Once home I started cooking. I made my baked fruit for my next breakfasts, and pulled out the blender for my weekly Ogre Juice blend. After that was all over, I realized it was one of our last beautiful Fall days before Winter will come, and decided it was my last opportunity to harvest as many of my hot peppers as possible. My plants look vacant, but my dehydrator had two shelves full of peppers, and I ground those up this morning. I now have a respectable amount of powdered hot peppers to add to my cooking. WHOOT! 

My pepper powder isn't quite this green because I dry 
and powder ALL of my peppers - red, yellow and green. 
It packs a punch, though, and I'm looking forward to 
using it carefully over the winter months. 

I tried out a new toy this morning with my morning run. One of the items included in my treadmill purchase was a chestband for heart rate monitoring. I figured out how to get it on, and it fit well throughout my workout. But ... I totally forgot to pair it with the app, so I didn't get any downloadable information at the end. I'll make sure to get it paired sometime today so that Monday's experiment will be more fruitful. So, I'm off to eat breakfast, then leave for work. I hope all of you have a truly wonderful weekend and I'll be back with you on Monday. Once again, I'd really appreciate your vote if you liked my story this week. Be kind, spread love and Slava Ukraini. 

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