Monday, October 21, 2024

It's a Monday - Self Explanatory - LOL

Happy Monday to all of you. DH and I had a fairly laid-back Sunday watching football and working/playing on our computers (depending on the person). I did my usual Sunday clean of the kitchen, which desperately needed it. Then DH made something sticky in the oven for his dinner, and the container ended up messing up my cooktop which had been newly cleaned only that morning. *sigh* The story of my life - LOL. 

I have a black glass Westinghouse cooktop similar 
to this one (considerably older, however). I adore 
it - it cooks really well and looks great. Except ... when 
DH puts sticky things onto it. Then, the cooktop that 
I clean to a brilliant shine every Sunday morning looks 
like a POS by Sunday night. *sigh* 

Still, I had an enjoyable "day off" from the treadmill and those days of rest are equally important. I was back on the tread this morning for another three miles, this time hiking through Bavaria. I remember this hike from the gym years ago, and it's just as beautiful and fun as it was back then. 

I remembered this hike through Bavaria soon 
after I had started it. It was always one of my 
favorites - beautiful scenery and so many 
wonderful vistas. I set a good incline and a 
fast pace and had a lovely workout. 

I have to track down my Experian subscriptions. I have one for me and one for DH - it watches over out computers for malware, etc. Suddenly there is a third charge appearing on another card, and I have to track down which subs are active and which is either ending or was subbed to in error. That's on my Wednesday agenda when I can spend that kind of time. It's one of those things that might take more than an hour of delving to discover what is what. 

Apparently my thoughts on the resiliency of humanity 
struck a chord this week, I'm not at the very top of the 
voting, but I'm damned close to it. Thank you, everyone 
who was kind enough to vote for my story this week. 
The voting isn't over quite yet, but I'm fairly sure I'll 
survive to write another week. That's ALL due to your 
votes and I appreciate each and every one of them. 

I want to thank all of you who have voted for me in LJ Idol this week. Apparently my Ode to the Phoenix touched quite a few people and, although I'm not the winner this week, I'm breathing down their necks. LOL It's an unusual position for me, and I'm totally gratified that so many others feel similarly to my feelings. The voting isn't closed yet, so if you haven't voted, I'd appreciate a vote for this one. But whether you vote or not, I really love that you've read it and that so many of you have reached out to tell me that my views on this reflect your own. Mitakuye Oyasin, as we say in Lakota. ("We are all related" as a loose translation.) 

Mitakuye Oyasin is translated in various ways, 
the most common being "We are all realated". 
It's Lakota (Sioux) and used as a ceremonial 
or prayerful statement at the end of a talk. It's 
sometimes good to remind ourselves that there's 
not that much difference between human beings. 
The differences come in dogma and culture, not 
in basic design and function. 

So, it's a Monday, a day of working with DH (meaning I'm working the sales floor alone while he putzes in the basement or at his desk in the back). It's not the end of the world, but it's inconvenient. Still, it is what it is, and next week - with Chickie on Jury Duty all week - will be worse - MUCH worse. So, I'll take today as a prequel for next week and hope things go smoothly. Have a wonderful Monday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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