Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Spring is Time For New Projects and Ideas

Yesterday I started again with my new concept of how to work our Swarovski sale. It might work, can't say for sure yet. I'll work on that some more today and have a much better idea of whether or not it will work well. Here's hoping I finally nailed how to handle a huge department like this for a clearance sale. As one of my more popular products, we'll need something easy for us to use and keep track of what people want us to pull for them. It's going to be a challenge. 

Making a checklist that the customers can easily use and 
that we can easily use, is challenging. With a department of 
100's of items, there's no other good way to get a handle on 
what the customer wants and what we have available to sell. 
I think I might have figured out the best way to deal with it, 
but it's a lot of work getting a test together to see if it will 
work the way I envision. 

I never did get to "catch up" on my sleep, but at least I didn't feel like a complete Zombie. I wasn't 100% though - not by any stretch. Today (hopefully) will be better. I slept until a half-hour before my alarm was set to go off, so I'm pretty close to time. Of course, all of this sleeplessness will catch up to me at the end of the week. I can get away with it at the beginning when I still have my Sunday sleep-in hours to bank on. By the end of the week I'll be running on empty. 

The fact that I awoke more than two hours ahead 
of time yesterday will cause me to drag by the end 
of the week. It's rare for me to lose sleep over 
things. But it really disrupts my life when it does. 

My veggie soup that I made last week has been awesome! I couldn't be happier with it. Every day it's more flavorful as the spices settle into the broth and veggies. This is a definite winner and I'm for sure doing this again. "Doing the Happy Dance." 

This soup has been SO good. I'm delighted that I made 
a double-batch. I'm looking forward to dinner every night 
when I get home from work, and it only takes a few 
minutes in the microwave to be ready to eat. My body is 
happy with all of the veggies. I'll definitely make this 
recipe again. 

We seem to be out of whatever ridiculous excuse for a Winter we had this year, and firmly into Spring. The trees are all gaining their Spring leaves, the first flowers are starting to bloom - yellow daffodils decorating the fronts of the college buildings at Hamline University - a block from my shop. Spring is officially here, even though Winter barely stopped by at all. That leaves more funds in the roads budget to do some major fixing, and the orange road signs have cropped up sooner than usual. It's detour here and detour there - but we'll have some wonderfully rebuilt roadways when Winter returns later this year. And it will return - this was a temporary vacation for Winter - he'll be back with gusto later this year. Have an excellent Tuesday, I'm off to the pool (yippee). I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל. 

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