Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Today's Plan - Accentuate the Positives, Pass Along the Love

It's going to be a good day. I'm determined that it will be, and I'm alive, the birds are singing (actually, not quite yet. The birds are intelligent enough to not sing for another hour or so.), and I'm ready to head to the swimming pool. I actually slept until my 3:00 am alarm went off - a rarity these days of tension and too many thoughts for deep sleep. I'm going to have a tremendous day today - are you? 

Today is going to be a GREAT day. You're alive, you're 
safe, you have food on your table and friends around 
you. Frankly, that's really all that we need for happiness. 

There are many things that can make a good day. Simple things - a loving pet, a child's smile, a silly joke or a funny antic by a pet or wild animal. There are always good things around us that can make a day special and lift our spirits. The problem is the negatives that surround us, smothering us, dampening our joy at living. Don't allow those outside negatives to dampen your glow today. Instead, allow your glow to lighten the lives of others with whom you'll have contact today. Spread that light throughout the shade and darkness encroaching in from the sides. 

I don't think my dog was ever this comfortable with my 
cats, although they got along well enough. The cats could 
easily have made mince-meat of my pup, and she was wise 
enough to know that - LOL. 

Look at your life. What can you positively impact today? It's not going to be earthshaking. We're normal people in our own small circles of interactions. But can you bring a smile to someone's face? Can you help someone in some small fashion - reaching something down for them that they can't reach, or simply smiling. Smiling is contagious, after all. That simple act actually changes the body chemistry for the positive, pushing away the negatives - at least for a small time. 

Smiling is contagious. Sometimes we forget 
that, going through the day gloomy or simply 
lost in our own thoughts. But today, pull yourself 
out of yourself and spread a small bit of joy to 
others - one-to-one, one by one. 

Do one thing that you love to do today. Do you like listening to music? Listen and dance for five minutes. Do you enjoy gardening? Plot, plan, dig and clean - make those plants happier and they'll reward you with oxygen to breathe. Wave to a neighbor, smile at a stranger. Pass along positives, they'll reflect back to you ten-fold. 

Accentuate the positives today. It's be a benefit to 
you and everyone you come into contact with. 

I'm going to put up two shelving units that I got in yesterday's Amazon shipment. I also got a small extendable garden rake that DH had been wanting. He was VERY pleased - put it right down with his gardening stuff. I'm sure it will be used on Thursday when he's back in the yard. So, I passed a little sunshine into DH's perpetual rain cloud mood. Even those who have dark skies above them can smile with the right reward. Let's spread love and happiness today. We need it. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל. I'll be back tomorrow. 

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