Friday, March 22, 2024

It's Snowing! - a Good Thing - and Kung Fu Panda!

We've finally had measurable snow! It's expected to snow on and off until 9:00 am, and then shoveling will commence. It's WONDERFUL - just seeing snow again. This late in the season it won't stay for long, so we can enjoy it for a few days and then return to thinking about the garden. It hasn't gotten chillingly cold, so the few plants who have popped above ground should still be nice and cozy in the dirt. My best estimate is that we got somewhere between 3-4 inches from the storm, or at least will have that by the time it leaves the area. 

It's finally snowing! After a winter of no snow, I'm 
looking out of my windows and seeing white. I'm 
thrilled. I'm not much of a fan of snow, at least not 
in the amounts we got last year, but some snow is 
necessary for us - we're in the north - we should have 
snow in our winters. This was a green winter, and 
it's almost over. It's a bit of a relief to see snow again. 

"Kung Fu Panda 4" was a total delight, as I knew it would be. Chickie and I weren't the only people in the theater, but we were the first people in and the last people out. We always stay for all of the credits before we leave after a film. We each played games or whatever on our phones until the actual film started - we have no interest in the junk that plays beforehand, unless it's a preview for another upcoming movie. It took no time at all to be pulled back into the wonderful animation of Po and his newest friend, a perky, lovely fox named Zhen. 

Zhen was a great character - smart, wiley, 
able to get in and out of trouble like a fox. 
Oh yeah - she's a fox - LOLOL. 

The one thing I really loved was that it was established, without hesitation, that Po's two "parents" - the panda and the goose, are both male. They both consider themselves to be Po's father, and they're not shy about telling others. I'm not sure Po would have survived this latest adventure without their help. The various and sundry assorted animals depicted were fabulous, as always, and the villain was SO GOOD! I can't wait for the next Minions movie this summer. We'll definitely be back in the audience for that one! 

"Despicable Me 4" is coming into theaters this summer. I can 
hardly wait. At least I won't have to think about snow, although 
rain is certainly a possibility. 

So today I'll do some cooking and some cleaning, I'll shovel the driveway when it's closer to the end of the storm, and I need to grocery shop as well. I'm totally looking forward to some serious kitchen time, and then I'll crack open the laptop and continue working on my crystals inventory sheets so that we can actually hold our Swarovski Crystal sell-down sale - better late and done well than early and a disaster - LOL. So, this is a short post today, but there really wasn't much to report except a delightful day. A total winner. Have an excellent Friday and I'll be back tomorrow to wrap up the week. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל.


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