Thursday, April 20, 2023

Today It's Rainy - Where Would You Live?

Of course, no snow as yesterday's post discussed, doesn't mean we're out of the woods yet. No snow transferred to rain, which started heavy last night shortly after 9:00 pm and continued throughout the night. It wasn't super heavy all night, but it was raining. On ground that is still semi-frozen. That can also lead to flooding since the soil is frozen and can't let as much water soak in as would happen with warmer temperatures. I was worried about our house for a bit there, but it looks like we managed to pass through another possible crises safely. The combination of frozen ground and a hard rain has led to my basement flooding several times in the past. 

We're getting some heavy rain. Since our land is still 
partially frozen, a lot of that rain will flow into our 
rivers and on downstream, adding to the flooding possibilities 
for places south of us. 

So, I'm a bit relieved. I checked the weather app on my phone and the rain is supposed to let up at around 5:00 am for a bit, before starting again. I'm not really much of a fan of rain. Grey skies just don't do it for me at all. In that respect, I live in the wrong part of the nation. Back in Colorado and New Mexico, I would get almost 300 days a year of sunshine.  But, although I don't always have rain, our increased humidity up here in the Frozen Northlands, guarantees I have more cloudy days than I was used to while growing up. I'm a BIG fan of blue skies. It's the only thing that would possibly pull me away from living up here. But, I really like being up here in general, so I'll probably stick around - LOL. 

If you could live anywhere in the world, where 
would you choose to live? Would you stay in 
your nation or be elsewhere? How about your 
continent? Stay there or move East or West? 
North or South? Let me know in the comments 

If you could choose anywhere to live, however. Based on the actual area - landmass, weather, temperature and topography, where would you live? Let's ignore the people this time - people can be a PITA anywhere. Let's just focus on the actual physical conditions surrounding you if you lived there. Where would you choose to live? 

I wouldn't mind returning to Colorado's Front Range 
area if I could live anywhere. Of course there are 
things I wouldn't like about it, and the area has changed 
a lot since I was a kid in Colorado, but I do miss my 
mountains. Still, I have a feeling I would miss my 
lakes and rivers if I moved back to the West. 

I actually think I'd live in the southern portion of the Front Range in Colorado. I'd love to be back in my home state - it's a beautiful place to live, and that general area is perfect with the plains stretching out to the east, the desert to the south, the mountains to the west. It's close to the area where Seth lives - so I guess he's lucky - he lives in a perfect part of the nation. 

I probably wouldn't live in Minnesota unless I could eliminate the issues with clearing out our snowfalls easily. Of course I can hire someone to clear the driveway - there are many people who hire out to do that. But they won't come unless it's a certain amount of snow, and they're not clearing down to the concrete - only close to the concrete. There's always some clean-up shoveling that needs to be done, and the snowplow scree is a complete PITA for everyone. But on the plus side, we have water - lots of it. That, in a time of more and more scarcity, speaks highly for staying up here. 

For such a small area, Britain has had a HUGE impact 
on the world at large - both good and bad. I don't think 
I'd want to live there, but it would be lovely to return 
to the British Isles for a long visit. 

I don't think I'd want to live in another country, although I do like a lot of aspects of the greater British area. I've never been to Europe, so really can't say on that one, although the Mediterranean coast looks lovely. But, to be honest, I think there are beautiful places to live in almost any nation, and that it would come down to weather conditions more than anything else. Weather and heat - those would make or break the deal for most of us. 

So, where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world? Comment and let me know. In the meanwhile, I'll bundle up for rain and wish all of you a wonderful Thursday. Slava Ukraini. 

1 comment:

seth said...

I suppose the grass is always greener... I love it here, but dry winters make fires inevitable. It would be nice to have you closer. If not here I might try Ireland, but I'm not going anywhere.