Friday, April 21, 2023

It's a Day With an Open Agenda - Yeah ... Right! LOL

Just a short post today because I'm running late. It's odd to think that I'm running late at 6:15 am, but I allowed myself to sleep until 4:00 am instead of my usual 3:15 wake-up time. Then I indulged in more than an hour of meditation and my daily solitaire games, and finally I had a nice, long, hot shower before starting my day. So, I'm settled with tea at my side and a busy day ahead. 

There's nothing much nicer than a nice, hot cup of tea 
in the early morning. I gave up caffeine during WildFit, 
and haven't really wanted to bring it back into my life, 
so I've been drinking herbal tea for more than two 
years now. I used to drink nothing but, so it's not 
unfamiliar territory. 

I'll be catching up with everyone's postings and comments on mine during the day today. I also need to make a batch of chili for the week ahead, as well as my "Ogre Juice". I have a stack of bills that need to get paid, and I must go to the bank and arrange for a new check-card for my personal account since I still can't find the card I so "carefully" put away almost a month ago. I rarely need to use the card for this account, but having it accessible is somewhat important to me. 

I'm very fond of the glass-topped tables and curio cabinets 
in my living room. Unfortunately, they do collect dust on 
their glass tops, and that needs to be cleaned. It's easy and 
simple and quick, but one more thing to add to my list today. 

I doubt I'll get any/much housekeeping done (except cleaning the kitchen after I'm finished cooking everything), but I'm keeping up with things fairly well. I should dust the glass surfaces on my living room tables and my shorter curio cabinet. I'm not liking how they look in artificial light, although they seem fine in the daylight through my draperies. 

The time involved in washing the bedroom curtains is more 
the time spent taking them down, removing the pins and then 
replacing the pins and rehanging them onto the rod. If I can 
sandwich it into my day, however, I'd love to get this done. 

Speaking of draperies, if I DO end up with extra time today, I'm stripping down the longer section of drapes in the bedroom and tossing them into the washer for a cold water, gentle wash. They're not supposed to be washed - dry clean only, yadda, yadda, yadda. I don't want no draperies on that window, nor do I want to hang a sheet for the 1-2 weeks a dry clean could take, and I don't want to spend the dollars on that either. I already had the shorter section in the washer a few weeks ago and it survived - not completely unscathed, but good enough. I'd like to get the longer section handled today. 

My days of "open agenda" are usually far more filled 
than those where I have scheduled items. Today will 
be no different - a LOT to do on an "open" day. 

So, that's my "open" agenda. Let's not forget the grocery shopping before I start cooking. I'm thinking of adding a few fresh peppers - mild and spicy - to my chili this time. Maybe some bacon too - yum! LOL Anyway, I have my day semi-plotted, so it's time to get going on it. Have an excellent Friday and Slava Ukraini. I'll be back tomorrow. 

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