Thursday, November 4, 2021

A Day of Appointments, Decisions, and Deadlines - First Call-Out for Cards

DH has a rather full day today. He's got a 9:00 am appointment with our accountant - hopefully last year's taxes weren't messed up, but if they were, we need to get it fixed ASAP. Our broker actually caught this potential problem. We'll see who is right and who is wrong. 

We have a pretty good accountant and his mistakes 
have been minimal and rare. If he did mess up 
last year's taxes, he'll make good on it. But we need 
to get it resolved quickly, before we move into the 
end of the year and the time for filing our 2021 
taxes draws closer. 

At 3:00 pm, he's due at the dentist to get his crown cleaned and reattached. Hopefully they can just glue it back into position, but if there was any tooth degradation, it might create more of a problem. I got his e-information updated and sent off yesterday afternoon, so he should be good to go. 

While I was driving around town from here to 
there yesterday, I stopped to take some photos 
of the last of our Fall brilliance to share with 
all of you. So you're getting Autumn photos 
along with my text today. 

I am going to try to get to the store as early as possible because I'd like to finish the covers for my holiday cards and start making a final decision on how I want the interior to fit together. I've been thinking about this for days, so I took a quick break, found a product that I think will work, and got it ordered. By the time it arrives, I should be ready to use it. Hopefully it will have the correct texture and drape to be what I really need. The clock is ticking. 

This lovely golden tree was in front of one 
of the high schools in the area. I happen to 
pass it on my way to and from Whole 
Foods every week or two. 

DH was talking about getting a pre-cooked turkey for Thanksgiving (we won't have a new oven until sometime in December). I mentioned I would prefer a Thanksgiving buffet - that I wanted warm turkey for my holiday. He grumbled about microwaves. I said no, I really want a nice, hot turkey buffet for my Thanksgiving meal. I'm pretty sure I'll prevail. I'll also mention that I'll cook a turkey for Christmas this year with our new oven, and he might be mollified by that. At least I hope so because I would really prefer a buffet dinner on the holiday. 

The variety of the colors in this shot really attracted me. 
I was almost home when I saw this, pulled over, and took 
a quick pic. I just loved the full look, from green on
the left, to central colors, to almost empty on the far right. 

Of course there will be food choices over the holidays that I normally wouldn't eat. And the question will come up in my mind, "how many poor choices am I willing to make for a holiday?" It's a good question. I've proven to myself that I can pull away from strict food choices for an occasional this or that, but I also don't want it to become a habit. My habit should be good food choices, not hopping off the train for momentary excursions, barely catching the last car as it pulls back out of the station towards the next stop. 

I don't want to miss the train by getting used to poor 
food choices. I'm extremely happy with where I'm 
at now in terms of weight and body fat index. I do 
NOT want to fall off and mess myself back up.  

On that note, I have cards calling my name. So ... since they actually seem to be falling into place in my head, here's your FIRST CALLOUT FOR CARDS. Those of you new to my blog - I make a total of 50 total cards. I reserve one for my records, and I have a set number that go to old friends and my family. I allocate the remainder on a first come/first go basis, so if you want one of this year's card, comment below and send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE with your real name and address. I promise, that information does NOT get shared with anyone - your privacy remains intact and protected. 

Don't be late. I would hate to miss sending you a 
holiday card if you wanted one. Still, it's always 
first-come/first-serve for newcomers. There are 
always some slots open, so grab yours! 

So ... on that note, and with those warnings, I'm off. I have cards calling my name, a charged up audio player with my next book loaded and in process, and I'm more than ready to get moving on today's work. Have an excellent Thursday and I'll be back tomorrow. 

1 comment:

Pam said...

Me, Me, Me for the card! I won't be able to make my cards this year - stuff is still in boxes in the garage! There will be cards, but commercial ones.
My new address is:
Pam Perry
22 W. Calle Tierra Serena
Sahuarita, AZ 85629-9090

Congrats on your new you! Love you, Miss you!