Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Random Thoughts On My "Day Off"

It's 5:30 am on my "day off" and I've already done my exercises, washed one load of laundry which is now in the dryer, showered, and put the three trash bins (trash, recycling and yard waste) at the curb for pickup. I've caught up with my emails and any orders, and I'm ready to start writing my daily blog. Sheesh! I only managed all of this because I awakened at 3:15 am and decided to get up instead of waiting for my 4:00 am alarm. But I feel so accomplished - LOLOL. 

Today I'm a really busy bee with errands to
multiple places, shopping, and housecleaning.
I'm exhausted by my "day off". 

Today is a day of errands that will keep me on the road or in stores for most of the morning. Since one of the things is grocery shopping, and ice cream is on my list, I'll need to plan strategically so that groceries are the final stop. I don't want melted ice cream - that's just wrong! 

I think I could do with some leisure options. I get the feeling that
a bunch of errands probably doesn't qualify. 

Still, it is pleasant to have a day off. My bathroom needs a serious scrub and my kitchen floor needs a solid sweep and wash, so other than the laundry, I have plenty of housekeeping to keep me busy. Good thing I have a WHOLE DAY of "leisure" available to me - LOL. Well, to be truthful, I have slightly over 12 hours before dinner and "relaxation". Actually, although I know the definition of the word, relaxation is something I rarely do. You'd think with all the running around I do, I'd be skinnier. Sometimes life just isn't fair. 

I wouldn't mind a "day off" with this as my goal. It's
not happening today, but maybe someday. 

I guess there's a new LJ app for mobile devices. I'll probably have to download that and take a look. I'm usually just fine catching up in the early mornings, but I actually do rely on the links with friends that I've established with LJ and DW. I'm not a "social" person - I don't get together with friends and socialize. But I do enjoy the cyber-friendships I've built up over the years, and those friends are as important and dear to me as friends I can see in "real life". 

This is so true! Friendships and how we make and keep
friends has changed in the cyber era, but I've found some
amazing friends online and feel very thankful for each of you. 

So, have a wonderful Wednesday. I hope your day is a bit less busy than mine will be, but it's all good. If I get the shower scrubbed down really well, I'll be extremely happy. I just hate a scuzzy shower. As always, be kind, stay safe, wear a mask and I'll be back tomorrow. 

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