Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A Busy Tuesday, An Apology and a Book Recommendation

It's a Tuesday, and it's a busy one - lots of things to get done before I go to the store, and a bunch of things I need to get done once I'm there. So, I set my alarm for 4:00 am and here it is, 5:30 am and I'm already running "almost" late. I still have time to write my blog and have breakfast, but I need to be at the bank when it opens at 7:30 am and it's at the far south end of St Paul (I live in a suburb at the far North end). I've got a large mail order to pull and fill, and I really hope to have a bit of time to get that taken care of between customers today. Hopes and dreams - my life is built on clouds, LOL. 

That infusion of cash from the grant sill give us
a bit of breathing room. We're still hoping the
customers come back - they are, just not in the
numbers we need. Our fingernails were hurting
from hanging on so tightly, so the grans helps
us a lot. 

I mentioned that we were awarded the County grant, The statistics were published in the paper on Sunday. More than 27,400 applications were received, and 5,780 businesses were randomly selected. Of those businesses, 70 percent were businesses with six or fewer employees. I feel very fortunate. This additional $10,000 may save my business. Our daily business is slowly increasing as people run out of products that they need, but it's a very slow grind. I totally understand - not sure I'll be going to any restaurants until there is a vaccine. 

Sorry to all of my East Coast friends. I can promise you,
however, it will get better. Yesterday was less beastly
here, and today will be downright pleasant. We'll send the
temperate weather over to you too. 

I know we sent our heat wave to the East, and friends of mine along the coast have been sweltering. I apologize, but I can tell you is it will get better. Yesterday was actually back into a "normal" summer range, and today is starting out comfortable. We're happy to send the more temperate temps your way also - because we're generous that way - LOL. 

I keep looking at my Owl Project, which of course didn't get finished because of my broken ankle and the pandemic. I'm actually pretty happy I didn't finish it because I want to tear off the lower two layers and re-do them. I was designing on the fly for this one, and don't like the patterning nor the color progressions I was doing. It's going to mean a lot of additional work, but I think I'll be much happier. In fact, I'm tempted to destroy the entire thing and start again from scratch. Maybe I'll make it my "Flying Out of the Pandemic" collar instead. 

I finished reading "Too Much - Never Enough" by Mary Trump yesterday
and I highly recommend it. She came across to me as someone who was
reasoned, thoughtful, and who had the inside track in many respects to make
her claims sensible. Were there parts that might have been pushed ahead by
personal malice? Maybe. But I felt that to be minor compared to the story
she revealed as a family insider. 

Finally, I finished reading Mary Trump's book on her uncle, Donald Trump, "Too Much - Never Enough". It was a fascinating look at our current President, an easy read about a difficult situation, and I recommend it highly. It was a much easier read than John Bolton's "The Room Where it Happened", although that was also a very interesting read. Uncertain about which to choose? Choose Mary Trump's book for a much easier read and a very insightful picture of our President. 

On that note, I'm out of here. Have a glorious Tuesday and enjoy yourselves (hopefully with less heat). I'll be back tomorrow. 

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