Thursday, July 2, 2020

Heat, Stress and Exercise

Yesterday was hot, but today will be even worse. I think I'm glad I'll be working today. At least I have air conditioning at the shop. At home, we have fans. They're great for moving the air, but when it's in the 90's, even the moved air is hot. 

We have an ancient box fan in the computer room, which
actually works pretty well, but it's loud. Each of us
also have standing fans at bedside - it would be impossible
to sleep without those. 

I gathered together and sent off my application with supporting documentation to the County for the grant, one day before the firm deadline. It was a pain to get the various information together, but we were successful, even with the "budget" requirements. The State Grant will become available sometime this month, and we'll try for that too. The City Grant was a bust - all we received was a terse email that we were not one of the recipients. But ... if we don't try, we won't get anything at all. We're getting pretty good at the documentation, too. That's a good thing ... I think ... maybe? 

I moved my father-in-law's chair to a different
location and set up my barre next to the treadmill.
I think it looks great - very minimal, and if I
need to, it folds into a compact square suspended
in the framework and on wheels, for easy put-away. 

When the barre is completely open, I have the wooden barre
raised properly and the workout mat extended. It comes with
the workout ball (and pump) and two different flex bands,
along with booklets and a DVD with Beginner,
Intermediate and Advanced exercise routines. 

On the health front, I am once again fighting a UTI. I was at Urgent Care first thing yesterday morning to get some meds before things got out of hand. The doctor said stress can trigger these, and I have to agree - I've been under some stress this year. But before this infection and the one prior to this earlier this year, it had been decades since my last one. I think I need to try and keep my stress levels a bit more under control ... during a Pandemic ... while trying to stay in business ... yeah. Right. In my dreams. 

Life has been a bit stressful lately - like during most of
2020. *sigh* I'm usually pretty good with stress, but
things have been a bit excessive - pandemic, etc. 

On that note, I'm going to wrap this up and start my day. I hope you have a terrific day and bring a smile to someone's face. To brighten the life of a single person is a mitzvah - a blessing. I'll be back tomorrow. 

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