Monday, July 13, 2020

A Treat for Tolkien and Lord of the Rings Fans

I know I share the internet and my daily interactions with a lot of JRR Tolkien fans - fans of the movies, fans of the books and fans of the more esoteric books and research tomes. My dear long-time friend Seth passed a YouTube link on to me that I am now passing on to you. It's outstanding, it's wonderful, it had me in tears and also laughing out loud. I recommend it to all of my Tolkien mates out there. Set aside some time - it's almost an hour, but it's SO worth it. Here's the link. Come and reunite with friends and near-family from the Shire, Edoras, and New Zealand. (The intermittent ads are annoying, but can be clicked on and eliminated fairly quickly. Be sure to watch until the very last frame - it's worth waiting for.) 

Like many of you, I have a complete set of "The History of Middle
Earth". I really wish I could get a set on e-book. The books are
heavy, ponderous and difficult to just carry along with me for a
quick reference/review. Still, I'm glad I have the set in my
Tolkien library section of my house. 

DH and I had a lovely Sunday off - perfect weather, no rain, low humidity, and temps that ranged in the 70's to mid-80's. After a couple of hours working on improving the drainage from the upper yard to the lower, we settled down with drinks on the patio and topped the evening off with steaks on the grill. Our weekends aren't usually quite this perfect, so I felt quite lucky, all in all. 

I made this screenshot larger than my usual format, and there were
still a few others who joined into the reunion, but do you recognize
these long-time friends? From upper left, after the host of the
reunion, we have Sam, Gandalf, Frodo, Merry, Legolas, Pippin,
director Peter Jackson, Aragorn, Gollum, Boromir, Eomer,
Eowyn, Gimli and Arwen. What a joy to see all of them together
once again. 

Of course, since I watched the Lord of the Rings virtual get-together a second time this morning, the extra time I had earlier has evaporated like a puff of smoke from Gandalf's pipe in the halls of Durin. Oh well, it was SO worth it. I'm going to be watching the video grouping again and again. 

On that note, I'm going to make this short and sweet. Go - watch - enjoy and share. I'll be back tomorrow and I hope you have a uniquely wonderful day ahead of you. 

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