Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Stay-at-Home - Day 46 - A Return to a New Normal

I'm looking at my laundry basket, knowing that my washer is 1/2 flight down from my lower level. The problem with living in a four-level 1/2 split house is access when mobility is limited. Today I'm going to be stretching that because I need some clean clothes - I'm on my last set of underwear and I also want clean towels and shirts and leggings. So yeah - my choices are diminished. 

I love my Samsung front-load washer, even with the
various quirks that it has. I'm grown to depend on it
over the last few years and it does a good job. 

On a positive note, my knee scooter should be delivered either today or tomorrow (I'm hoping today, but it may be tomorrow). Tomorrow is a bit more difficult since I have to be at the doctor, then the bank, and then deal with a few mail orders at the shop before I can return home. I'm going to be driving all over the place and won't be home to accept a delivery. But, I registered on their website and I'll at least get a text when they are delivering the item. That might help. 

We're absolutely enthralled by the Brokenwood Mysteries, and delighted
to catch up on more episodes during another promotional
"Watch for Free" event. I have no idea how long this promo will
last, but I'm happy to take whatever I can. 

We're back into a promotional "free TV" event, and we've been continuing onward with "Brokenwood", which we adore. We're trying to get several episodes watched on an average day, and are almost finished with Season 4 of 6. It's such a great series - humorous and with good characters and plot twists. 

On that note, I'm going to try to get my laundry basket downstairs and start a load. Have an excellent Wednesday and I'll be back tomorrow - probably a late post tomorrow since my Doctor appt is scheduled for first thing in the am. As always, Stay Safe, Keep Social Distancing, and Be Well! 

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