Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Stay at Home - Day 45 - A Day of Effort

We were at the Toyota dealership at 8:00 am to get DH's truck serviced. For the first two years, his 6-month checkups and standard maintenance is free of charge, but we have to have it into the shop within a certain length of time. It was a long crutches walk to DH's truck to get it into the service bay (since he can't hear, and since the truck is under my name, he wants me to take care of the human-to-human interface). We went back home in Minion and then back out again two hours later when the truck was finished and ready for pickup. 

Shadow is a good looking truck, one that I wouldn't
mind owning, although nothing takes the place of
my Minion. 

It was a REALLY LONG HOP from my car, which I parked as close to the door as possible, to the service counter where we had to pick up the key fob and paperwork. Then an equally long hop back to Minion. DH was growling at me because I had some times when my broken foot was touching the ground. I'm supposed to be non-weight-supporting on this break, and I was doing a bit more "toe tap" which is approx 20-% pressure. By the time I got back home I was exhausted. I rolled myself into my comforter, put my leg up on my secondary pillow, and went to sleep for several hours. I was beat. 

I was a total wreck after two trips to the truck
dealer. I curled up on my couch with my bad leg
on a pillow and crashed for several hours. 

It's been a day where I've been successful staying off my bad foot approx 80% of the time, but not 100% by any stretch. Still, I'm trying my best. I see the ankle doctor on Thursday morning and maybe I'll get some good news. I could sure use some right about now. 

I want to thank ALL of you who were kind enough to send me birthday e-cards, messages, and texts. I always feel so honored by my friends throughout the world and my life is enriched by each and every one of you. Thank you SO much. 

On that note, since I have no intention of passing negativity through my posts, I'm going to sign off and wish you a belated wonderful Tuesday. I have every intention of being back tomorrow, so please Stay Safe, Keep Your Social Distancing, and Be Well. 

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