Monday, May 18, 2020

A New Week - A New Beginning

Yesterday DH and I spent several hours at the shop vacuuming, washing the floor, and replacing the "waiting" chair with one that is more easily sanitized. Today I'll be there early to wash the floor once more and vacuum the rug we keep right in front of the door (it catches the initial dirt that gets tracked in). DH spent the afternoon working on the second portable shield, which is in the back of Minion, ready to be taken to my area early in the morning. 

I was tossing and turning and just couldn't get any
sleep after about 1:00 am. So, I really ended up
with a bit less than four hours of sleep last night. 

I'm actually exhausted, but it's because I'm up - after only four hours of sleep. The sleep was great, but I couldn't manage to get back to sleep after awakening at 2:00 am. So, here it is, 5:00 am and I'm looking at finishing the blog and making some oatmeal. Maybe grabbing a catnap, although I doubt it. 

I've actually be fine with the Stay-at-Home order. DH has had a lot of
time to work in his garden, and I've been healing my broken ankle. But
now our unexpected vacation is coming to an end and we have to
be cautious with other people once again. 

It's been seven weeks since we've been open to the public. I sent out emails to our customers on our email list, and Chickie spent yesterday afternoon making colorful "Welcome Back" and "Thanks for Coming In" signs for the shop. I'm happy to be seeing people again, but a bit frightened at the same time. I haven't had to interact with people for a long time and except for a salesperson here or there, haven't really be among the public for a while either. I'll be wearing a mask - ABSOLUTELY - but gloves won't work well with the work that I do. It's hard to wear gloves while working with price tags and tape. 

I'm also a little worried about my leg and how it will hold up. I've got my scooter there, but I actually don't think I'm going to need it very much. I've been pretty comfortable with a single crutch, and even some short moves without any crutch at all over the past 48 hours or so. I may have wasted my money buying the scooter, but I'm not saying that's an absolute yet. It may come in very handy in other situations. 

Social Distancing can make a huge difference. We've marked
our flooring with "Stand Here" stickers and tape to encourage
our customers to use their heads and keep the distance, but
we're still dealing with a small store and aisles wide enough for
a wheelchair, but not much more. It might be hard, so we'll
limit the total customer count to no more than 6. 

So, I'm off and both anxious and a bit scared as I go. Now is the time when we might see a big jump in infection levels, and I'm also going to have to be a bit harsh on customer count and making sure everyone is wearing a mask. Those are mandatory things for us, so no choices here. I hope all of you are safe and have a great Monday, I'll be back tomorrow. 

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