Monday, March 30, 2020

Stay-at-Home Day 3 - A Careful Dance

We survived the weekend, turned off a lot of the TV coverage, because who wants to be depressed. But we still watched a lot too, because  we want to be up-to-date too. It's a conundrum (and how often do you get an opportunity to use that impressive three-syllable word - LOL). So far DH and I are working well together, but fourteen days is a long time for two people who haven't spent more than three days together in more than a decade. Baby steps .... 

DH and I are rather independent people who intersect in our
lives. We try not to be intrusive, but when we are pushed
together for multiple days, we're going to step on some toes. 

As much as I dislike the treadmill, I've been keeping up with that - 1-1/2 miles five or six days a week. I'm settling into a schedule. The only problem comes when both DH and I have treadmill on our schedules for the morning, when whoever is on first gets dibs. So far, it hasn't been a problem, but there's bound to be a traffic jam at the treadmill at some point. 

Time to pull into our turtle or tortoise shells for the
next twelve days. Unless the Governor extends the
quarantine for another two-four weeks, which is
certainly a possibility. 

I'm probably going to be short and sweet over these next two weeks - checking in, commenting on other friends' posts, and doing a quick look through comments and likes. I'm not ignoring any of you, I'm just pulling into my turtle shell a bit. I'm not really a fan of living through uncertain times, but there isn't a choice, is there? 

Stay safe, be well, I'll be back tomorrow. 

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