Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Stay at Home - Day 4

Today I have to venture out. I need to pick up mail for the shop at the Post Office, then print out my end-of-month report and make sure everything is looking good. Next trip out will be either Friday or Saturday, to pick up the mail again and double-check the store. We have signs on the door and the cases are covered, but some silly people probably think we're still open. Nope - not. 

It's odd having the store closed for an extended period of time. I haven't
had it closed for more than two, maybe three, days in many years. 

I had been ignoring my computer for a couple of days - I was relaxing. I posted my blog because it's my way of checking in with friends and family, but I hadn't actually checked my various email and social accounts for three days. Oy! Bad idea! I have over 100 messages I need to review in my main account, and several others in my business accounts that need to be addressed. Oh well, I guess I know how my afternoon will be spent, after I get back from my errands. 

It's not quite this bad, but I have a lot of email I have to read
through quickly. 

I've been good, and I've been on the treadmill every morning for 1-1/2 miles. I really should up that to two miles, but I'm lazy. Still, I figure 1-1/2 is better than nothing and at least I'm getting some exercise. I haven't changed my mind, though. I still hate the treadmill. LOL

Everyone uses a song of some type to get their 20 seconds timing right.
I've been using Beethoven's "Ode to Joy", from the 9th Symphony, but
I've found that Mozart's "Kline Nacht Musik" also works well. What
can I say? Heavy metal wasn't working for this, so I wend into my
comfort zone and back to my classical roots. 

I hope everyone is staying home as much as possible, washing their hands often, and keeping social distance. Don't be stupid. When you actually pay attention to these easy things, it can make a tremendous difference not just for you, but for those around you. Stay safe, be well, I'll be back tomorrow. 

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