Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Today I'm Living A "Normal Revised Schedule" Change - ARGH

In my "normal revised" schedule since starting Physical Therapy, Wednesday is my day off from the gym and every few weeks I have a PT appointment early (7:00 am) in the morning. Of course, my "normal revised" schedule had to be revised this week, since my PT has a scheduling conflict. I'm going to the gym today, but the rest of the day is still my day off. Tomorrow, I'm seeing my PT at 7:00, but then continuing on to work for the rest of the day. 

Switching schedules is rather like switching lanes in rush hour - difficult,
and fraught with danger while trusting that the others around you won't
mess things up even more. 

Although it might not seem like a horrible mess to all of you, my dear readers, it's a total MESS for me - sandwiching in breakfast before therapy and still getting there on time, and skipping the gym on Thursday. It's already driving me crazy - LOL. So, can you hear that semi-hysterical laughter coming through your monitor? Yeah. That's me trying to deal with this rather silly schedule shift. 

I want to do holiday ornaments for you this year, and found half
of what I need last night. I'm going to hunt for the other half today
while cleaning and reorganizing (and labeling) my art supplies bins. 

Today is my "day off" - grocery shopping, housecleaning, several loads of laundry, and continued work on my space in the craft room. DH wanted one of my bins removed from its' temporary location since that is designated for a different type of storage. I got that done last night, but I'm looking for the materials for this year's Holiday Card. 

I love sending my cards to friends all over the world. My life is a
little crazy right now, but that shouldn't change friendships. 

I still want to send cards out to my friends all over the world, but they're going to be less labor intensive this year by necessity. They're still going to be hand-made, but a bit less hand in the making this year because we've been so busy. Next year's card might also be more minimal, but afterward I should be more on-track for success and be able to return the cool factor. I hope so. I'll be making a "Call Out For Cards" in October, so keep your eyes open for it. 

That's a wrap for today or I'll be late. It's always so difficult to get into a schedule and then have something gum up the works. I'll be fighting this small revision in my schedule for the next 48 hours! Have a totally wonderful day and I'll be back on Thursday. 

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