Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Answers To Your Questions - Books, Books and More Books

Several friends chose questions from yesterday's "book questions" list, so I'll spend today answering those. My anniversary date was actually very nice. DH and I brought the jewelry buffer home to its' new location in the workshop, and we were very busy with interesting customers at the shop (all of whom were extremely patient with me, since I was the only person working the sales floor). For my anniversary gift, DH promised me a dinner out at a restaurant of my choice this weekend (probably Olive Garden since I'm, craving Italian - all your fault, SeaIvy - LOL). He also promised to pay half of the cost of my head tattoo. Since I estimate that tattoo might cost as much as $1000, that's a very welcome gift. It also means he's approving the tattoo which will make my life a lot easier. Now ... on with the questions. 

Bookshelves. I have bookshelves in almost every room in my house, even
a small one in one of the bathrooms. I always have a book at hand too,
since I usually read e-books now and almost always have my phone handy
to read another page or ten. (This bookshelf is NOT mine - mine are a bit
better organized than this.) 

Shirebound chose: 

24. How many bookshelves do you own? Are your books organized in any way? (AND)

37. Have you read a book in a different language? What was it?

We have bookshelves in every room in the house - Sharon's room has three, the bedroom has one, the computer room has one, the den has a wall unit, the craft room - well, you've seen the shelving that he's built. There are also several others that stand from floor to ceiling creating a barrier between his crafting area and mine. Then we come to The Library. This room, a study and library, has shelving on three of the four walls, and one of the shelves actually swings open revealing a second shelf behind it (it's designed for paperbacks only). So yeah - a LOT of shelves for two people who adore books. 

I know I read the adventures of Till Eulenspiegel in German when I was young, but I wasn't entranced by the story. I've also read one or two books in Spanish, but I'm not really stellar at other languages, so my reading in them is minimal at best. 

There is nothing better for a child than reading a book. Books open the
universe of different thoughts, worlds, and interests to an open mind.
Encouraging reading is the BEST thing any parent can do for a child. 

cairistonia7 asked: 

50. What book got you into reading?

To be honest, I don't think it was a specific book, just a general feeling of frustration that Dad was doing something else and couldn't read to me, and Mom was also busy. So I sat down with a book I somewhat knew and started working out how to read on my own. Dad was quite surprised, sure I had just "read" it because I had memorized it, but we tried out some other books and I was able to work with them too. I took to reading rather like a duck takes to swimming and never looked back. 

My copy of "Atlas Shrugged" is old, tattered, and
held together with rubber bands. It's much older
than this edition, but that's OK, I'm older than
this edition too. 

greghousesgf asked: 

6. What is your favourite stand-alone book?
16. What book made you laugh?
26. What is your favourite non-fiction book?

My favorite stand-alone book? That's a tough one. I automatically turn to Tolkien's "The Silmarillion" because I've read it to death, but since it is somewhat in a series, I can't. So I'll go to my long-time favorite, also read so many times, Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged". I know a lot of people have problems with her philosophy, but the book is a masterpiece and I've read several copies into tatters. 

I rarely read books that make me laugh - I don't like humor in books as much as I love angst and hearts clutched. I'm honestly unsure if I have a single book of comedy on my multitude of bookshelves! No ... I'm thinking and thinking and I'm not coming up with comedy at all. So, I guess that's a question I honestly can't answer. I do like some compilations of comics, that may qualify. I have a few "Peanuts" compilation books from my younger days. 

My favorite nonfiction book is any of Andy Goldsworthy's amazing books. I've pictured "Passage" below. If you're not familiar with him or his art, take a look. It's drop-dead gorgeous. 

So there you go - some answers for you. I'm open to more questions if you want, or we'll all discover a new tangent together for tomorrow's posting. In the meanwhile, have a truly excellent Tuesday and I'll be back tomorrow. 

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