Saturday, March 23, 2019

Today Things Came Together Perfectly

It's always nice when things just come together. Last night's Bingo number was released and I looked at the four prompts thinking, "There's actually a lot I can do with these, and a lot of characters where they might work well." On that note, I called it a day and crashed. I didn't dream of the prompt (sometimes I'll get a writing thread into my head so much that it won't let go and sleep is restless). I did let the prompt curl into my brain for the night. 

I often go to sleep and ponder on a plotline, a character, or an
event. Sometimes it can make for a restless night, other times
I can gain clarity through sleep. I've tried keeping a notebook
handy, but since I hate writing by hand under the best of
times, it's never worked well. 

When I sat down at my computer early this morning I decided to start writing instead of dealing with emails and product inquiries first thing. I had time - I can't go to the gym until Monday, so my 90 minutes of exercise were open for reassignment. I sat down and started writing, one line at a time, describing an unknown person, I had no idea who. The fourth stanza revealed who I was writing about, as much a surprise to me as to my readers. When I checked it in review, it pinged out as a perfect 100 words. I don't get that lucky that often, but I was pretty darned happy. 

I was pretty darned happy with the wordcount. I was also pretty
surprised that it came out exactly at 100 words first time! 

As usual, in addition to writing for B2MeM, I'm taking a variety of writing courses and working on a variety of writing exercises. I've been serious about my writing for many years now, I just rarely write within fandom any more. It's been quite fun coming back to Tolkien after many months away. I've lost some in-depth knowledge that I now have to look up again when needed, but the characters still speak to me. Will I continue after B2MeM? Probably not. I'll more than likely return to my own original works. But I still have a community out there and I still care about it and those who write within it. 

I have been enjoying this year's Back to Middle Earth
Month event. Bingo trips all of my circuits. It's completely
unpredictable, and it's always challenging - but not in a
huge way, just in small snippets. Great fun! 

So as we enter into the final stretch of B2MeM, I'm sending out a "thank you" to those who decided to do Bingo this year. It's a format I love, and it got me pulled back into a world I adore, interacting with old friends and new. It's been a great experience, and I'll be sorry to see the daily story prompts end at the conclusion of the month. 

I'm a great believer in positive thinking, and I'm also a
believer in 'small steps make long journeys possible.'
I put that into daily practice and it works for me. Bingo
seems to work well within that kind of mindset. 

My eyebrows? Still there. The best thing about them is that nobody has commented on them. That's important. That speaks to me, and says "They look natural, like they should be there, and nobody's going to comment on something that's usually overlooked on most people." If she had done a terrible job, people would say something - cloyingly positive or achingly negative. My customers have been on this journey with me and they would comment. Therefore, I'm happy! 

Have a wonderful Saturday. Since I'm running so far ahead of schedule, I think I'll go into Middle Earth and kill some orcs. I'll be back on Monday, when I can finally return to the gym, although I'm stuck with no swimming for weeks to come. 

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