Saturday, November 17, 2018

I'm Crunching Time and It's Not Working Well

Time is crashing in on me. Today will be busy, starting with packing product that arrived at the shop on Thursday. I've got it checked in and almost everything is ready, but I have minimal time for packing before Thanksgiving, and immediately afterward is our annual Two-Day Sale which can sometimes be very intense and busy. I'm also bringing my staple gun to the shop to get the holiday garlands up, and I'm going to have to spend a bit of time updating my emailing list with names as well as updating the email flyer that goes out to my customers. I have three days to accomplish all of this before my day off on Wednesday. I don't want to end up missing something important before my holiday season really kicks off. 

I'm experiencing a serious time crunch now. I only have
a very limited time period to get things ready for
our Black Friday/Small Business Saturday 2-Day Sale. 

Although it was snowing hard at the shop when I left last night, As I drove closer to home, the flakes almost disappeared. We were supposed to get snow overnight, but looking out early this morning, my driveway looks clear. That makes me VERY happy because I won't have to build shoveling into my early morning. I don't mind shoveling at the shop - it's less of a time crunch when I arrive there than when I'm trying to get to the gym in time for when the doors unlock. 

As much as I may want to stretch time, it seems to exist
quite nicely without my specific input and changes go into
a very full and never-checked suggestion box. 

I'll be spending my Thanksgiving Day (next Thursday for those of my readers outside the US) roasting a turkey, watching football, and painting more of my Solstice Cards. There's still a LOT of work to do on them and I'm starting to feel a bit of holiday panic. *sigh* It will all get done, but I'm going to be hard-pressed to make it happen. 

I could use another week, but I know that's never going
to happen. Still ... a girl can dream, right? 

So, as I fall into my own, personal time crunch nightmare, I wish all of you a wonderful weekend. My cheese grater arrived yesterday and it seems as if it will work perfectly. The drums fit tightly but interchange easily, the construction is all stainless steel, so easy to keep clean and sanitary, and it's not a huge item. I haven't yet washed it thoroughly and found where I want to keep it, but it will have a home by the end of Wednesday. I'll be back on Monday, so enjoy your weekend and be good (but not TOO good). 

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