Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Election Day - Photos and a Bit of Rambling

It's Election Day here in the US, and if you're not a friend of mine who lives here, I apologize, but these days Election Days are fraught with angst and a bit of danger. Oh, not physical danger, at least not where I live. Danger because the future of our nation is in the hands of people who can't look farther than their next paycheck or their next meal. People say "These are scary times we live in." They mean it. Well ... I'm saying it too. These ARE scary times we live in. Votes cast today will have repercussions years from now. 

The women of 1918, as pictured in this photo from Minneapolis archives,
were activists trying to get the right to vote. Today women express their
political views throughout the world. 

Perhaps your grandmother, great-grandmother, or
great-great-grandmother pushed for voting rights. 

In 1919, women were given the right to vote in America. Today I'm celebrating 99 years of activism and the legal ability to cast votes here, and in other nations. It takes courage to cast a vote in some places in this country and in some other nations around the world, but women always step up and heed the call. I may not agree with all of them - in fact, I can guarantee that I don't. But I'll fight for their right to help determine their own destiny. 

As we go to the polls today, it's pretty easy and safe here in the US. Here,
in Pakistan, it's less safe and easy, but still, women line up to cast
their votes. They want, and need, to have a voice in their future. 

Often the votes of women of color are under-represented. That needs
to change. To change the future, you need to take action in the
present. Casting a vote for change can be enabling for the next

So ... if you have the opportunity to vote today and haven't already voted early, get to the polls and cast your vote. No excuses are acceptable. 

Women around the world need to be encouraged to cast their votes
in local and national elections. This right, fought for so hard by our
ancestors, should not be minimized. 

The simplest thing can create the largest wave. Without using your
voice, expressing your power, you are powerless to effect change.
Go Forth and VOTE. 

I'll be back tomorrow. Have an excellent Tuesday and I hope you've enjoyed some of the pictures I've pebbled today's post with. Now ... GO VOTE! 

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