Thursday, April 5, 2018

Tires and Glasses - Nothing's Inexpensive Any More

Yesterday was exciting - NOT. No problem getting my morning swim in, and the car was fine on the drive out to the dealership, but then it was a lot of "hurry up and wait". Thank goodness for a fully charged cell phone and a library full of ebooks. I think I read through three novellas on my phone while waiting for my car. 

I ended up with four new tires. One tire had been
damaged, but the other three were pretty low o
their tread. It's great to have new tires, but the
expense was a total OUCH. 

Then there was the problem of the tire - one of the two reasons I was at the mechanic's in the first place. The standard checkup and oil change I had budgeted for. The tire issues I had not. Turns out there was "an item" embedded in my tire which was causing the pressure problem. I park my car at work and it's in a parking lot, but the lot has a lot of to and from all day. I've had "stuff" in my tires in the past since I first moved to this location in early 1993. Adding one bad tire to worn treads on the others, equaled a financial tsunami. By the time I walked out around noon (almost five hours wasted waiting for my car), I was a LOT poorer. Well - to be honest, my credit card debt had grown a lot. *sigh* I'll be paying this off for months. 

I hated to add to my credit card debt, but DH said
he'd help with the bill for the four new tires. I know
I'll get it paid off, but it's higher than I want
right now. 

That left a really busy day that was cut almost in half because of my hurry-up-and-wait from the morning. Argh! I did the grocery shopping, picked up my new glasses (which are wonderful for near and far but - of course - suck for the midrange), and managed all of the laundry, pulling the final load from the dryer at 6:00 pm. I made the beds and even, amazingly enough, managed to sweep and wash the kitchen floor and have a lovely, if often interrupted, conversation with Aearwen after all. 

I've been getting my specialty frames fitted with new lenses
for many years now. Since I now have one pair I can
wear with my correct prescription, it's time to get some
new lenses in my favorite frames. 

Highest on my priority list right now is to get a set of my midrange glasses made. I'll be looking up re-lensing later today and see if I want to use the firm I've used in the past, or find a different one. These glasses are single vision, so they won't be expensive. I want to get at least one more set of bifocals too. My credit card is going to be groaning. At least DH said he would help with the car expense. There's nothing inexpensive about four new tires. 

Tonight is the Project Runway All-Stars Season 6 Finale. DH will be relieved when I'm finished with Project Runway for a while, but I'm sure it won't be for long. Fashion is always such fun and I do love watching the Runway. We did start watching the latest season of Iron Chef Gauntlet last night. It's always intense and there's some pretty amazing food being prepared by the chefs who are invited to compete. 

Talk to everyone tomorrow. Have an excellent Thursday! 

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