Friday, April 6, 2018

Project Runway All Stars Finale - NO SPOILERS

This post covers the final episode of Season 6 of Project Runway All Stars. Saturday morning's post will have pictures and spoilers for all of you. 

The judges for the final Runway show of Season 6 All Stars were:
Zac Posen, Catherine Zita Jones, Isaac Mizrahi, Georgiana Chapman,
and the host, Alyssa Milano (l-r). 

The workshop doors opened and three previous contestants of the show walked in to help Stanley, Anthony and Fabio with their collections. Helen moved over to work with Fabio, Stanley and Candice were paired, and Amanda worked with Anthony. The designers have a total of three days to put together six additional outfits for each designer. Whoa! That's a lot of sewing to do in light-speed time. 

Anne came in to critique with each designer and was really pushing for color - not necessarily patterned fabric, but color hints and sparks coming through several looks within each collection. The designers are also told that they will get one more trip to Mood since a seventh outfit was added to their requirements. At Mood, Stanley chooses a vibrant red for a gown in the middle of his collection. Fabio drops his print which was universally disliked by the judges, and replaces it with a bright, yellow fabric. Anthony has a bunch of things going on in his looks - ostrich feathers, eyelet sheer febric, and he also plans to paint some of his fabrics again. He's not worried about color as much as editing things to be less costume and more fashion. 

Helen, Candace and Amanda are cutting and sewing crazy fast on all parts of the collections and the pressure is building. The second and third guessing is creeping in for each designer, something inevitable when an individual's future is on the line, to be determined within a few days. There's no time to change their minds, though. They have three days to create seven outfits to walk the runway. 

The three helpers work through Days 3 and 4 and well into Day 5, but they finally have to leave and the designers are totally on their own - finishing up their seven looks to Runway standards. The pressure is certainly on, but throughout the process, each one of them is honing his design aesthetic and pulling together a collection look that defines them. Each designer's viewpoint is unique and I really look forward to the final Runway walk. 

The three designers have become good friends over the season, friendships that I think may continue after the end of the show. They supported each other throughout the season and I hope they will continue to support each other throughout the final Runway and back into the real world, no matter who is declared the winner of the season. The looks they have made are strong and beautifully conceived. 

Two guest judges joined our usual panel of Georgiana Chapman, Isaac Mizrahi and Alyssa. Zac Posen and Catherine Zita-Jones joined the judges in a full runway show in front of an audience of models, past judges, and sponsors. It was a rather odd grouping of people, but the room was packed so it was a true, if truncated, Runway show. I felt that the quality each designer had walking was great. There certainly were some pieces I liked more than others, but I really enjoyed the collections that each one designed.  

So who won and what did the judges say? I have to leave something for Saturday morning's post, so you'll get pictures and judges commentaries with full spoilers then. Right now, unless you watched and know who won, you'll have to wait another day until you find out. Have a great Friday and enjoy your day. 

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