Monday, March 26, 2018

This Week Might Be A Mess

DH has a chest cold. It's his second of the year (the first came right after we had visited the family for our post-Christmas celebration on New Year's Eve). I spent yesterday in the largest room of the house (the living room), trying my best to not breathe his air. He's coughing and hacking and not getting a lot of sleep with this one, and I do feel sorry for him, but I can't afford to come down with it. Sitting in the computer room and staying less than six feet away from him for hours at a time while he's coughing? No. Really poor idea. 

DH has a chest cold and is coughing a lot. Poor guy! 

So I spent yesterday reading instead of at my computer. I'm just fine with that because I love to read, I never mind burying myself in a book. I've been reading through a series that I love but haven't read for a while, because a new book in the series became available and it's the next book on my TBR list. There are five books before the new one, and I'm now into Book 2 of the series. So much fun! 

The sixth book of the series was just published, so
I'm reading through the previous five to get back
into this author's world. So much fun! 

This week is going to be hectic. I have a dental checkup tomorrow morning at 8:00 am which will mean a very fast breakfast followed by a quick run over there, followed by a quick run back to the shop. DH has an appointment later that day, but I'm going to cancel his appointment today. His chest cold won't make him a welcome patient. 

I'm not a fan of dentists, but healthy teeth are important to
general health, so I'm good and I go there two times a year
for cleaning and a check-up. That's on Tuesday's agenda. 

On Wednesday I have an eye doctor appointment in the far southeastern suburbs. I'll still be able to swim in the morning, but won't have a lot of time afterward before having to be back on the road. I'll check out the maps today at the shop and see what the best route will be. If the roads won't be too horrible, I'll be able to drop off my wet swimming stuff, but breakfast won't happen. It will also mess up all of my other tasks for the day - laundry, grocery shopping, etc, but so it goes. I'll have to live with it. 

So that's my crazy week - after Wednesday I can relax and get back into my groove and schedule, but it's going to be a tough start. I'm hoping DH gets over this chest cold quickly, but I'm certainly not counting on it. Colds tend to hang onto him like unwelcome relatives redecorating the guest bedroom. Eventually they go, but they always outstay their welcome. 

Here's hoping each of you are healthy because this spring cold is NO fun. Stay healthy, stay happy, and have a glorious Monday. 

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