Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Instafreebie - I'm Probably Missing Something Obvious

I'm a bit frustrated. OK, I'll be honest here, I'm a LOT frustrated. One of my favorite authors put out a new book in a series I loved but hadn't read in some time. So I began reading the previous books once again to get more familiar with the characters and settings. That's been going great - I'm into book 3 of the five now. The problem comes with a smaller free book that she has available on Instafreebie. 

I know I need to get to this page in the app, to access
my book. But I can't seem to get to this page in the
app at all. It's frustrating. I'm sure it's really easy, but
I can't seem to figure it out. 

Instafreebie is a no-charge e-book app and repository. I found the book, jumped through all kinds of hoops to get an account set up, and supposedly downloaded a PDF of the book that I could read on my Nook App. Except that I can't find the download to be able to actually click on the book and read it. I could jump through all of the hoops once again and get re-authorized for another download, but I'm not so sure that would accomplish anything. 

It should be really easy. I downloaded the instafreebie app
and it opens fine. They sent me an email with the book
attached as a PDF as I had requested, but I can't find
the book to be able to open it and read it. 

So my question for all of you today is ... do you have Instafreebie? How do you go about downloading your books and where the heck do you find the efiles of your books for access? I'd like to read this smaller collection of short stories before I've put the full series to bed once more. Any/all help or suggestions you may have would be appreciated. 

Today is also dental appointments day for DH and me. Mine is as early as I can get it so that I can get to work on time, DH's is later in the day. I phoned the dental office yesterday and offered them the option of rescheduling DH's appointment since he's coughing, but they said as long as he's not running a temperature, they would be able to cope. So it's their choice. 

Of course my mind was whirling so much around my crazy schedule today that I woke at 2:45 am and couldn't get back to sleep. Oh well, at least I'm starting my day ahead of myself. That won't last long - LOL. Have a wonderful Tuesday, and don't forget to message me, email me or just post a reply if you have any suggestions on how to get my book from Instafreebie. I'm going a bit crazy here! 

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