Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Rolling With the Punches

Schedule messing - it's frustrating and sometimes challenging. We're usually pretty set on schedules - I get my Wednesday off and Chickie gets her Monday, we all get Sunday, and it works pretty well. But the occasional screwdriver is thrown into the works, and when it's a screwdriver that you really need to pay attention to, you switch things up to make sure everything operates smoothly.

Bever Landscaping can do beautiful work, although their reviews
are all over the place. (But then, so are my reviews, so I'm taking
them with a large grain of salt.) We need professional help with two
areas of the yard, so I'm looking forward to seeing what Peter has
to say when he looks the project over on Wednesday afternoon. 

Last week DH had me phone a local landscaping company, one whose work we've admired for many years at the State Fair, We need professional grading done on the Castle project, and the patio needs to be laid in a specific way to assist with the proper drainage (the actual reason we're going through all of this work in the first place). We thought they probably wouldn't be able to drop by until after the 4th of July. But they were really prompt, and can sandwich a look at the property on Wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday's work schedule may be rather like a revolving door - I'll
be out of the shop, then in, and then out once again. what a mess! 

Problem - I'm the one who is off on Wednesdays, not DH. So, we're having to shift some things around. I'm hoping that I'll just have to work for a couple of hours, but it's still going to throw my personal schedule into a tailspin. I like their response time, though. We had contacted a different landscaper two weeks prior, and I have yet to hear peep from them.

We've cleaned out the old shed and it's ready to take down. I think
DH will be attacking it with a crow bar today, maybe adding
a cutting wheel to the angle grinder too. Since it's part of
the grading, they'll need to see as much as possible. when they
come on Wednesday. 

So we'll make it work. Whether we switch days off completely and I work on Wednesday and take Thursday off, or whether I punch a large hole in my day, we'll make it work somehow. It's got DH stressed, though. He wants to have some more stuff done in the area we're talking about before meeting with the representative. He'll be working hard today to make it all happen. It's a bit of a mess, but it is what it is.

We just need to roll with the punches. Sure, everything may
not be as cleaned up as we wanted for the quote, but it's
the next step and I'm sure enough will be cleared to allow
Peter to take a good look at the project. 

Here's me ... rolling with the punches once again. Have a great Tuesday and keep your heads up above the waterline! I'll be back tomorrow.

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