Saturday, April 8, 2017

Spring, Holidays and the Weekend

It's the weekend, and looking out of my door in the mornings and on my drive to work, I'm noticing that the trees are starting to look fuzzy. Of course, their skeletal branches are still reaching upward to the sky, no covering by the leaves. But there are buds on the branches now. There is the hope of warmer days, more sunshine, green leaves and grass, and flowers - lots and lots of flowers. Spring may not have sprung quite yet, but it's absolutely on its way and it promises to be glorious.

Martin Tabor makes non-metallic jewelry. I'm curious
about what materials he's actually using. It might
be an alternative for my metal sensitivities. 

Tomorrow we'll be at the ACC Show. DH is grumbling about how I've got his day occupied and planned for him, but he's usually pretty happy to not have to make decisions. Do you find it difficult to make decisions? It seems that DH is finding it harder and harder, which has potential problems for the future. I'm hoping he'll get over the worst of this when we're finally retired.

Elaine Unzicker knits these wonderful fingerless
gloves out of chain mail. There are many things that
I can do, and I know how to do chain mail, but the
actual process bores me to tears. This, however,
are lovely and so painstaking. 

I did some revision on my SWG story last night and uploaded the picture I'm basing the story on so that (hopefully) I can post them together. I'm not too good at attaching photos to stories and having them flow through the various other websites easily, so we'll have to see. I'll do one more read-through this morning and then get things up and running. I'll be on time, and that's the important thing.

Stacey Lee Webber makes wonderful vessels from metal.
I'm really curious about her construction techniques.
This bowl is stunning! 

The major holidays for many of my friends throughout the world are coming up quickly. Passover, for my Jewish friends, starts on the 10th, and Easter Sunday is the 16th. It's a week of people getting together with friends and family and prayers for peace ascending into the aether. If only peace could come via prayer, we'd live in a perfect world. Unfortunately, human nature seems to get in the way and peace gets pushed back into the dusty corner of the world. It won't stop my prayers, but it does patina them with the grit of reality.

Cornelia Goldsmith makes these wonderful bracelets
studded with surface elements and gemstones. I really
like this look, but want to see her work closer. 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with sunshine, happiness, and friends/family. Once again, I've peppered this with beautiful things from some of the ACC artists whose work I'll be viewing on Sunday. Enjoy the eye candy, I'll be back on Monday.

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