Monday, March 27, 2017

A Double Celebration

Sunday was really productive. I managed to write several stories and completed the 31 days of prompted stories on the Red Path for this year's B2MeM challenge. I totally chuffed that I pulled it out. Now to finish it with the Wild Cards and the Acts of Kindness, although I've already done one Act of Kindness earlier in the month. I wasn't sure I could keep up the pace and get this done, but the prompts were great and it all clicked for me. I'm very happy.

SUCCESS! Late yesterday, I posted the final prompted story on
my Red Path. A little bit of clean-up for Wild Cards and one more
Act of Kindness, and I'll have completed my Game Board. Huzzah! 

I'm also very happy because today's post is my 2500th Blog Post. I generally post in my blog six days a week, most weeks. I don't post when I'm travelling, nor when Sharon is in town, but the rest of the time, Monday through Saturday, I start the day out on my keyboard. So, to those of you who read and/or comment, thanks so much. I'll keep on blogging because it's a good way for me to get my brain in gear for the day ahead.

It's a BIG number, it's a LONG time. Some of it has even
been worth reading. Most of all, it clears my head for
the coming day and lets my friends know what I'm up to. 

Here's hoping you have a terrific Monday. I'll be checking out what I need to do for my Wild Cards and getting those in the works early today. I'm on a roll, why stop now?

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