SUCCESS! Late yesterday, I posted the final prompted story on my Red Path. A little bit of clean-up for Wild Cards and one more Act of Kindness, and I'll have completed my Game Board. Huzzah! |
I'm also very happy because today's post is my 2500th Blog Post. I generally post in my blog six days a week, most weeks. I don't post when I'm travelling, nor when Sharon is in town, but the rest of the time, Monday through Saturday, I start the day out on my keyboard. So, to those of you who read and/or comment, thanks so much. I'll keep on blogging because it's a good way for me to get my brain in gear for the day ahead.
It's a BIG number, it's a LONG time. Some of it has even been worth reading. Most of all, it clears my head for the coming day and lets my friends know what I'm up to. |
Here's hoping you have a terrific Monday. I'll be checking out what I need to do for my Wild Cards and getting those in the works early today. I'm on a roll, why stop now?
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