Friday, February 24, 2017

Dodging the Bullet

We so totally dodged the bullet with this storm. It ended up tracking south, so even though the Twin Cities probably did get some snow, it wasn't a lot. Me? ... I got ZERO. (At least so far.) A second run will be passing through later this morning and I might see some snow from that ... but maybe not. All I know for sure is when I awakened and went to check the outdoors to schedule shoveling into my morning, my grass was still brown - no white in sight! Call me VERY happy!

We missed it all. Not a single snowflake so far, although there
is still one chance for snow over the mid-day hours today. 

I think this is either the second or third major storm this winter that we barely dodged. If it ended up missing the Twin Cities entirely, we won't have had any snow here since a trace on February 1st. That's absolutely unheard of in the Frozen Northlands, but I'll take it! Of course March is coming and it's always one of our snowiest months, but right now, I'm extremely pleased.

There's nothing like a single snowflake. Each one is unique and
beautiful. I'd much rather appreciate their beauty in the individual,
rather than as part of an aggregate. 

Last night was the finale of Project Runway Junior, and I'm hoping to have some pictures for you tomorrow. The four designers - Izzy, Hawwaa, Chris and Chelsea - presented six-outfit collections on the FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Marketing) runway. The audience comprised former Project Runway contestants, earlier competitors who had been voted off, family members of each finalist, and a variety of prior guest judges. Alyssa Milano, judge and hostess of Project Runway All-Stars, visited the workroom to give the designers a pep talk, and Georgina Chapman also gave them a "rah rah" talk via a digital transmission. The kids just designed, sewed and stressed. I didn't agree with the winner this time, but I could see why the judges went the direction they did.

I love the delicate needles on this flake. The flake isn't perfect and
doesn't match exactly on all six arms, but that's part of the charm
of nature's fantastic geometry in ice. 

So I'm off to celebrate Friday with a snow-free drive to the gym and then to work. I'm hoping the snow line was south of my shop too, but no guarantees. If it was, I won't have to shovel at all! Huzzah. Have a wonderful Friday and, as I said above, I hope to have pictures of the final collections for Project Runway Junior in tomorrow's blog, if the cyber goddess of fashion is kind to me.

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